View Full Version : How would I mimic the 'Alias' look on DV?

Ted Bragg
December 4th, 2003, 09:49 PM
Just curious, as I'm beginning to experiement with my new camera (XL1s)
and would like to shoot footage, or at least post-proc it to look like the kinetic exterior shots seen on Alias.

BTW, does anyone have the technical details on their shooting setups? I'm still scratching my head how they 'circle the wagons' around a group of people as they talk..that is one REAL steady steadycam guy...

Charles Papert
December 5th, 2003, 12:40 PM
Could be dolly on circular track, but more likely Steadicam--I know the guy on that show, and he is very good. Although what you describe is not technically difficult...?

Kevin Maistros
December 5th, 2003, 01:04 PM
If you could explain the shot in more detail, or post sample imagery I'm sure we can give you several ways to pull off the same type of shot with both practicle, and lower-budget ideas.

Ted Bragg
December 5th, 2003, 01:40 PM
Scene: four people are gathered in a tight circle, the discussion is tense, the stakes are high.

AS each person speaks, the camera frames them in, continues its circling and then frames in the next person.

However, the camera keeps moving, even tho the other person is opposite, or at a right angle to, the first actor.

I've thought about it, and figure they must be doing another circle, this time pointing the camera in the direction to capture the other actors as it orbits.

But aside from the camera movements, what do you call the 'visual treatment' they do to the footage, to give Alias its unique look and feel?

The MAtrix has the 'Neo' look, Saving Private Ryan has the 'war film/bleach' look...

I'm trying to determine if the ALias look is done in post, or if it's filmed a certain way to achieve it.

Also, I want to mimic that look as close I can with an XL1s...can't figure out which settings to work with.