Aaron Koolen
December 2nd, 2003, 06:52 PM
They do a 3cd set called How to Make a Movie. Was considering getting it as a resource, but want to see if anyone's used it and what can they say about it?
View Full Version : Anyone got and have opinions on the VideoUniversity filmmaking CD? Aaron Koolen December 2nd, 2003, 06:52 PM They do a 3cd set called How to Make a Movie. Was considering getting it as a resource, but want to see if anyone's used it and what can they say about it? Cheers Aaron Guest December 3rd, 2003, 12:59 AM Truthfully I believe that you are fair better off than that series. I used to check out their site long time ago yet it did not offer or lend itself to the Pros. Except that 50 ways to grow your bizz. Other than that I really have not seen the site change much over the years. There are good books that have more to offer and they include CD and even DVDs. Frank Granovski December 3rd, 2003, 01:14 AM My opinion is that they have good material on that site. I've never seen the video or videos, but the articles are quite good reading. Guest December 3rd, 2003, 01:28 AM I believe if your going to be a Videographer than this is the place as for going into film there are far better articles at DV.com and books as well as here. |