Shawn Lam
April 9th, 2009, 12:07 PM
I just wanted to share a link to my latest review - this one on the Sony HVR-Z5U in the April EventDV Magazine: In the Field: Sony HVR-Z5U (
Greg Laves
April 9th, 2009, 07:50 PM
Excellent write up. I have a Z7 and I have had an opportunity to play with a FX1000 alongside the Z7. While I didn't do any of the objective testing and evaluation that you performed, I had come to the same conclusions. I do have a Fujinon broadcast lens and I really like it. With the f1.4 lens, it easily is the low light champion. While I haven't had the opportunity to go 1 on 1 in low light with the EX-1, I think it would hold up very well against its big brother. The EX-1 has bigger chips obviously but I think their lens is only f1.9, if I am not mistaken.
Shawn Lam
April 10th, 2009, 11:43 AM
Thanks Greg,
I would venture to say that the Z7 with a F1.4 Fujinon lens would have a slight edge over the F1.9 EX1 lens in terms of low light.
I don't have a EX1 to test but there seems to be some discussion on whether there is lens ramping at telephoto:
<<The lens is capable of f1.9 - f16, and focal lengths of 5.8 - 81.2mm and initially appears to have a ramp of around 2/3 of a stop at the telephoto end. >>
Ed Sharpe
April 19th, 2009, 11:13 AM
Enjoying your review on the Z5 which we are considering for use here.. but...
""While Sony started in the 1940s to manufacture transistor radios."" was a line in your review...
See sections on early solid state history at Southwest Museum Of Engineering, Communications and Computation (
Transistor was invented in USA at the end of the 40's was not even practical for transistor radios until later.
You dates are way off.... Trust me... Sony was NOT making transistor radios in the 40's
Sony first in 1955 first import into US in 57
I AM enjoying the rest of the Z5 article though!
Ed Sharpe Archivist for SMECC
I just wanted to share a link to my latest review - this one on the Sony HVR-Z5U in the April EventDV Magazine: In the Field: Sony HVR-Z5U (
Ed Sharpe
April 19th, 2009, 11:28 AM
The 'one lens solution' of the Z5
This seems good to me. There is nothing worse than trying to change lenses in the field with dust etc...
You are in big trouble if you go to change lenses and get a piece of stuff in the lens hole and then you continue to shoot for the rest of the day. You may not see it really big in the finder... but you shall in the final large screen version!
Since we do a lot of run and gun news stuff... extra screw on attachments are a pain... Less crap to carry is always a great plan.
I like the thought of a one lens does all.
I would like further info of using the z5 in WA mode and... what happens if you slap a further WA adapter on it.
Chad Johnson
April 20th, 2009, 12:01 PM
HI Shawn.
Can the Z5 and Z7 accept bayonet mounted WA adapters?
I have a VX2100 with a Century .65WA. Is the Z5 as wide as that? I can't decide between the 2 cameras, and I have some specific questions nobody is answering in the Z7 forum concerning low light and lens wideness. Will you please take a look?