View Full Version : download times

Ed Kukla
April 9th, 2009, 11:56 AM
What download times are you getting?
Using SxS cards or your SDHC cards in an adapter when using an Express Card slot in a laptop with clipbrowser?
Are download times affected much by processor speed of the computer?

Michael B. McGee
April 9th, 2009, 12:06 PM
hey ed,
i have a MBP that was purchased in 2007. not sure of the specs. my girlfriend has it with her on vacation right now. i use a western digital my studio 500gb 7200rpm hard drive via FW800 and i get about a GB/min. it seems slow to me cause i've heard of guys getting 2GB/min or even more. i also own a Dell desktop with quad-core 2.4ghz processor with the Sony USB reader and i think i get about 12mins/8gb card = 24mins/16gb card.

SxS cards only for me. to answer your question i believe processors have a lot to do with it as well as hard drive speeds, ie: 5400rpm, 7200rpm, and of course the interface connectivity contributes, ie: usb, fw400, fw800, and eSata(not with SxS cards simultaneously of course).

Craig Seeman
April 9th, 2009, 04:16 PM
I haven't had to offload to my MBP since I started using 32GB SDHC cards.

On my Mac Pro using Sandisk 12 in 1 card reader.
Two times faster than real time with CRC on in ClipBrowser
Four times faster than real time with CRC off in ClipBrowser (although I always leave it on, I did this for time test).

SxS is an accident waiting to happen if you have to offload during a shoot, IMHO. SxS offload to my MBP with built in Express port is about twice as fast as the above.

Bob Jackson
April 9th, 2009, 06:30 PM
On my MBP expresscard.
7min for an 8GB download, which is about 4 times real tine with CRC on .

Mike Chandler
April 10th, 2009, 11:11 AM
SxS is an accident waiting to happen if you have to offload during a shoot, IMHO.

Do you mean just the possibility of human error in offloading and deleting files while in the middle of a shoot?

Craig Seeman
April 10th, 2009, 11:44 AM
Yes, I should clarify. SxS are great. The bulk of the issues I see are human error often occurring when offloading during a shoot.

My goal is to avoid/minimize transfers during a shoot.

Do you mean just the possibility of human error in offloading and deleting files while in the middle of a shoot?

Dave Morrison
April 10th, 2009, 10:35 PM
Craig, I did some transfer tests several months ago and posted the results here:

It will give a little info about the tranfer times/rate using "drag and drop" as well as Clip Browser's CRC protected transfers.


Michael B. McGee
April 16th, 2009, 07:35 PM
ok, i just performed some tests and the results are unbelievable/confusing. i used a 16GB SxS card filled exactly to 8.0GB of footage with about 30-1 minute clips. Two different computers were used. MacBook Pro circa 2007 and a Dell desktop with the Sony USB reader. with the MBP I used a Western Digital 500GB 7200rpm FW800 external HDD as well as the internal HDD. here are the results.

MacBook Pro
2.33GHz Intel Core Duo
150GB 5400rpm HDD

using Clip Browser version 1 with ExpressCard slot:
8GB-MBP= 6:30 minutes
MBP HDD-WD HDD= <10 minutes
8GB-WD HDD= <8 minutes

Drag & Drop method with ExpressCard slot:
8GB-MBP= 5 minutes
MBP-WD HDD= 4:50 minutes
8GB-WD HDD= 4:10 minutes

Dell desktop
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Quad
500GB 7200rpm HDD

using Clip Browser version 2.5 with Sony USB reader:
8GB-Dell= 5:30 minutes
8GB-Dell= 10 minutes with Data Protection & CRC turned on

using Clip Browser version 1 with Sony USB reader:
8GB-Dell= 5:15 minutes

Drag & Drop with Sony USB reader:
8GB-Dell= 4:45 minutes

so, what i found confusing was that my Dell with a USB reader was faster then a MBP with an ExpressCard slot. my results tell me that its not so much the interface/connection you use to dump/transfer footage its the processors and/or hard drive speeds that determine quick transfer times.

am i wrong or right?
