View Full Version : Ok, what next? DVD or film?
Zack Birlew November 27th, 2003, 11:46 PM All righty then!
In a previous thread, I asked everyone which editing software I should get when given the choice between AVID Xpress Pro and Premiere Pro, and the response was AVID. Also, I'm not supposed to use Magic Bullet for my footage and I am not supposed to shoot in FRAME mode on my Canon GL1 in order to prevent film transfer issues.
But now I've got another question. I've decided not to go straight into a theatrical showing and have decided to instead show my film in film festivals in the hopes of reaching Cannes or Sundance (or hell, even both! =D) But I'm now faced with a dilemma that puzzles me. How do these film festivals work? Do they show movies in FILM or do they show movies in
DVD/VHS/DVHS/DigiBeta/ect.? If I were to show my film in festivals, could I send DVDs or would I still have to send film? And, if I CAN send my film on DVDs, could I use Magic Bullet and frame mode then? I'm REALLY serious about this and I want to get all the facts down before I start shooting next year (script is still being written FYI).
Almost forgot, one really important question I neeed to ask is wether I can use music from movie soundtracks or not. I was planning on using music from the Varese Sarabande: 25 Years of Great Film Music collection (which is basically a bunch of movie music from several movies and TV shows over the years) but I don't want to get sued or anyting if it isn't ok, so do I have to make my own or is it ok to use movie soundtrack music? Or is it kind of like a report paper, where I would have to "cite" the the music (as in put the music info in the credits)?
Guest November 27th, 2003, 11:59 PM Each Fest has their own standard for what format so when you sign up with them look to see what format you could use. Last one we sent in they allowed MiniDV.
As for the music you are not allowed to use copyrighted material without permission and the Fests know this that is why some or most look for the sign-off of them if they are in your flick.
Also remember for each fest they want your money for entering. This could add up to a bundle. OH! One more thing look out for the Fest that are not legit as there have been many that people have posted in this forum and others that have just wanted the money and nothing else.
Zack Birlew November 28th, 2003, 12:05 AM Ok, so how would I go about getting permission to use this music in my film? And what do you mean about the people wanting the money only and nothing else? You mean that there is a possibility of being scammed when trying to get into a festival?
Guest November 28th, 2003, 12:40 AM Yep on the scams, do a search and ask around as to the ones that are the scams.
As for the copyrighted music source try...
Glenn Chan November 28th, 2003, 11:50 PM Jay Rose has some great articles on how to get music for your productions over at
Zack Birlew November 29th, 2003, 08:19 PM You know what? I just thought of something else today. Could I by chance mention or film franchise places or famous things? I know that sounds a little weird so I'll ask in a different way, can I film a McDonald's restaurant or Dillards store in the background of my film? Can I mention famous board games like Scrabble or Clue or Monopoly? What I was wanting to do was have my characters play some board games (in this case, Clue and Scrabble) but yet again, I worry about getting sued or something, so are those things OK?
Also, I like how you guys provided me with music info but I don't quite understand the first link's purpose (would I have to fill out the form to arrange music? How does that site work?) and I haven't really looked at the second site yet but I will. Just need to have these things understood to continue really. I was also wanting to have my main character work in a supermarket (like S-Mart or Safeway) could I make mention to that?
Rob Belics November 29th, 2003, 11:17 PM You can only show those names "in passing" like as part of the general background. If their name dominates the scene in anyway, you can get in trouble. In particular, if a question would arise of the possible sponsorship of the scene by the company.
You cannot use anyone's music without their permission. An Elvis Presley song will cost you $50,000 minimum. I know.
Zack Birlew November 30th, 2003, 03:32 PM $50,000??!! Good grief! Luckily I'm not using an Elvis song, I was actually going to use some movie theme music (one being the end credits theme from Cast Away), but if I have to pay so much for one friggin song then forget it. I guess I'll have to make my own or get one of those royalty free music collections.
Well, thanks Rob but I meant like shooting inside or on the outside of an S-Mart or McDonald's. I could have probably guessed that it wouldn't be OK to have my characters standing around and have a giant McDonald's sign in the background, dominating the scene. Also, what about the board games? Would they have to play a board game and not make mention to anything? (ie. shouting "Colonel Mustard, in the Billiard Room, with the Revolver!")
Richard Alvarez November 30th, 2003, 05:03 PM Jack,
Not to rag on you, but most of your questions have been covered in depth in the forum. A good hard search under "copyright" or "Royalty free" might turn up answers to all your questions. I might also suggest spending a modest sum, say $50 dollars on some of the excellent books out there, that address all of your questions about independent digital filmmaking. Then, you could ask specific questions about people's specific experiences with a specific problem.
That might cut you research time in half. And in the film world time is money, if you don't have money... you need lots of time.
Guest November 30th, 2003, 05:42 PM The reason some post a question again is not the lack that they don't know how to search it is at times talking it out they see things from another eye as I have started multiple threads only to find that someone new has joined and has a different slant.
I have countless threads downloaded to read again and again as I like what they say so to redirect someone is good as that way they can see another's point of view as pointing to books, threads, sites....
Maybe he likes to see the responses on screen from his posted question.
Zack Birlew December 1st, 2003, 07:38 PM Well, thanks for being unhelpful guys. Look, I know I can probably find some book at Barnes & Nobles/Borders/Waldon's/ect. but why pay for a book when I can get the info I need for free? Isn't that what message boards are about?