View Full Version : How to setup Canon XL1S for actions or running scenes?

April 24th, 2002, 12:55 PM
Hello folks, I'm new to this board. I would like to ask some of the experienced XL1 and XL1S users out there about camera setup. What I really like to know is whether to shoot with manual focus, manual zoom, or auto focus, auto zoom for actons and running scenes? I will shoot in frame mode.

Any replies or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jeff Donald
April 24th, 2002, 08:19 PM

What type of scenes? Will the camera be moving or the subject? If the camera is to be moving a steadicam type outfit would be recommended for the best quality. However, I've seen some very good work with a camera mounted to a wheelchair. It just depends on your budget.

Autofocus or manual focus is a personal choice. It's what you get used to. I do more manual focus because my background is in broadcast and you didn't have autofocus. However, I split my zooming about equal. It just depends on the shot and the lens.

Frame mode will present it own requirements and you will need to experiment to see what gives you the results or look you need.

As you can see there is no one answer or right and wrong. It all depends on your equipment, what you are shooting and your expierence. Good luck.

Jeff Donald

April 25th, 2002, 07:48 AM
My plan is to used Steady Tracker Xtreme for running scenes. I don't know how manual focus or zoom would work in this case. I guess I have to experimented first hand to see if auto or manual is my preference. I like to shoot with manual mode, but it seems very hard to do for running scenes.

Anyway, I appreciated your suggestions Jeff.

Jeff Donald
April 25th, 2002, 08:36 AM

I find that the motion of the camera is minimized when the lens is used at the widest settings. It will also tend to hide some of your focusing errors. i find that manual focus works best for me. Autofocus tends to hunt and search too much to be very usefull. You can preset the focus to a specific distance to your subject. Try to maintain that same distance as you are running.


Bill Ravens
April 25th, 2002, 08:53 AM
I always shoot in the manual focus frame mode, first off. Then, if there is motion in the scene, I keep my finger near the auto-focus button and hit it at intervals, depending on the speed of the motion. Admittedly, this takes some practice and memorizing where that button is on the lens barrel, but, it seems to work pretty good. Since I'm panning and/or scanning, what little interupption in smooth motion caused by my finger is negligible and taken out by the stabilizer system.

April 25th, 2002, 11:46 AM
Thanks again guys for your replies.

Andrew Hogan
May 1st, 2002, 01:51 AM
I would use the 3x lens at WA setting and focus in MF mode, use the MF button, and then concentrate on keeping your composition nice, and camera to subject distance constantish.