View Full Version : Rolling Backpack Travel Case

Jesse James
November 22nd, 2003, 01:06 PM
I'm trying to find decent rolling travel camera case that I can also strap on my back when needed. Largest size possible that I can still carry on aircraft.

Camera is a GL2 with 2 lenses. Also need laptop and digital camera to fit in case.

I looked the LowePro Road Runner AW rolling backpack. Anyone have any info or experience with this pack?

I also found one other design at Petrol, their large Caboose model which says in their website it has an internal trolly for roll along tolling. I guess that means it has wheels???

Any other manufacturers that make a rollping backpack?

One other option I might have is to get a good backpack case and use my little folding wheel cart to strap the pack onto for wheeling around the airport.


Steven Digges
November 22nd, 2003, 03:34 PM
Lowe makes outstanding products, I have not tried the rolling pack but have their Low Pro AW backpack. Great product. See thread under "Still Cazy/Must rave about my Delsey bag" for similar info.