Graham Hickling
April 7th, 2009, 08:40 PM
With my Sony cameras (HC1 and FX7), which film at 60i, I can set the shutter speed to 1/30 and as a result get pairs of fields recorded at the same moment in time (I believe this is done by buffering the sensor output for the 1/30 duration, then outputting two fields-worth of information to tape).
The thing that has always puzzled me is that when I pull that footage into Premiere, it still looks interlaced, because instead of pulling in the paired fields (AA then BB then CC and so on) it insteads pulls the footage in as AB then BC then CD and so on, which obviously looks like cr*p.
Using avisynth and virtualdub, I manually separate the fields, cut off the first and last field, then weave the remainder back together to get nice progressive BB CC DD footage.
My questions are:
1) why the heck does the NLE load the footage this way???
2) Can anyone suggest an NLE setting, or avisynth script, or whatever, that will automatically ignore that first field (i.e., can I speed up the the rather tedious manual trimming process I go through presently)?
The thing that has always puzzled me is that when I pull that footage into Premiere, it still looks interlaced, because instead of pulling in the paired fields (AA then BB then CC and so on) it insteads pulls the footage in as AB then BC then CD and so on, which obviously looks like cr*p.
Using avisynth and virtualdub, I manually separate the fields, cut off the first and last field, then weave the remainder back together to get nice progressive BB CC DD footage.
My questions are:
1) why the heck does the NLE load the footage this way???
2) Can anyone suggest an NLE setting, or avisynth script, or whatever, that will automatically ignore that first field (i.e., can I speed up the the rather tedious manual trimming process I go through presently)?