April 21st, 2002, 10:33 AM
I've got an MA-100 hooked up to my XL-1s. The book says you can mix ambient sound from the on-board mic with the audio from the radio mic through the MA-100, and monitor both simultaneously through the headset, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to do it. By using the "Audio 1" selector switch, I get one or the other, but not both. Am I missing something, or did I misunderstand the book?
Also... Canon should have made the cover for the audio input (on the back) in two sections so you can hook up the XLR adapter and not have to leave the bottom two terminals exposed to the elements.
Adrian Douglas
April 21st, 2002, 11:14 AM
Press the Audio Monitor button until "Mix" shows in the meter. Then you'll get both
April 21st, 2002, 01:43 PM
Thanks. That works, as long as I plug into the audio-in jacks on the side of the carry handle. It doesn't if I use the ones in back.
I hate gagets that are smarter than I am. Of course, a Zippo lighter is smarter than I am.
Ed Frazier
April 21st, 2002, 04:21 PM
If you are using the on-board mic in conjunction with a wireless connected to your MA100, the MA100 output will have to be connected to Audio2 (side of handle) inputs and Audio Mode set to 12 bit ST-1,2. This is basic 4 channel recording as explained on pg. 53 of your User's manual. To monitor both Audio 1 and 2 simultaneously, set Audio Monitor button to Mix as explained by Adrian. The on-board mic and Audio 1 ports are mutually exclusive.
If you are trying to combine the on-board mic and an additonal mic in 16 bit St-1 mode, I think this has been discussed in another thread on this board. Try doing a search on 16 bit audio or something similar.
April 21st, 2002, 05:31 PM
I figured out I wouldn't be able to record 16-bit with both, I just couldn't figure out how to monitor both in 12-bit ST 1,2. The manual assumes, in most cases, the reader knows what the hell it's talking about. Adrian's reply got me where I needed to be.
My thanks, again, to both of you.