View Full Version : Has anyone purchased from Butterfly photo

Steve Iacono
November 16th, 2003, 10:27 PM
hey i was planning on purchasing a gl 2 in the next week and the planned retailer i was gonna buy it off is currently sold out of it

so i looked on price grabber and found Butterfly Photo with the price of it being 2045 bucks

good deal

or is this a bad shop

please reply if u have used it

Ryan Krga
November 16th, 2003, 11:10 PM
I've never bought from Best Price Audio Video, but from what I hear, they are very good.


Nicholi Brossia
November 16th, 2003, 11:19 PM
Hi Steve,
I've never even heard of Butterfly or Best Price, but I did buy my GL-2 from Worldwide Direct or I was very pleased with their service and quick delivery. Also, they are substantially lower priced than most others. Here is the GL-2 page - - which shows the camcorder in stock.

Originally, I thought this company sounded too good to be true. After researching, and finding many good reviews, I decided that their extremely overpriced accessories was where they made their money.

Basically, I just wanted to point that company out to you. I recommend that you do some research to decide if this company is the one for you, but I can certainly say my experience was very good.

Steve Iacono
November 16th, 2003, 11:28 PM
Thanks alot buy dig looks very promising and when it comes to it there definately gonna be on my top 3 list from who im gonna buy from thanks alot for your help

Nicholi Brossia
November 16th, 2003, 11:34 PM
You're very welcome... isn't this forum great? :)

Ryan Krga
November 16th, 2003, 11:45 PM
Look at the third from the top topic entitled "Where to buy gl-2." It will tell you about Best Price Audio Video.

Frank Granovski
November 16th, 2003, 11:46 PM
Please support our sponsors so that they can keep supporting our forums. See our sponsors here:

Ken Tanaka
November 16th, 2003, 11:50 PM
I strongly encourage you to consider purchasing from one of our sponsors ( In addition to buying from authorized dealers at very good prices you would be helping to support this "great" forum which relies upon sponsorship.

Personally, I have purchased four cameras (GL2, XL1, XL1s and DVX100) from ZGC, B&H and Zotz Digital. I was extremely pleased with each purchase and very pleased by ZGC's responsive support when my first GL2 was less than perfect. (No, I don't get any special deals or service from any of these dealers.)