Dan Gutwein
November 16th, 2003, 04:41 PM
I'm using Premiere Pro and a Canon XL1s.
Without using PPros speed/duration function, is there a way (like with the camera?) to achieve slow motion. Problem with the speed function is that if it is too slow the playback becomes too jerky as the frame-rate becomes visible.
Dennis Jakobsen
November 17th, 2003, 09:31 AM
I have also had problems with this, and unfortunately I can't tell you what to do. But I can add one question to the poll :0)
Is there a way to make a slow motion curve i PP? A way for the clip to slow down slightly at first and then maybe slow down faster, before once again reaching the desired slow motion speed?
Randy Reyes
November 17th, 2003, 10:00 AM
That's a good question Dennis. I, too, have always wondered if it's possible to curve a slow motion effect. In regards to Dan's question, though, Twixtor seems like viable solution for you. If I recall correctly, this plugin creates in-between frames based on adjacent frames in order to create the effect. I've never handled it myself but I've seen the demo on their website and it looks pretty effective compared to just time stretching. Does anyone know if it can also curve the slow motion effect??
Andre De Clercq
November 17th, 2003, 10:03 AM
Simple speed change funtions apply field repetition or field interpolation, ending up in jerky or motion blurred pictures when set for higher soeed reduction levels. I am using MotionPerfect which applies field insertion. This means that it inserts (calculates) new fields based on the motion vectors in the picture. Unfortunately the motion curve can't be modulated. What I did before, when a pan looked too fast, I splitted the scene in 3 parts. First the part before panning starts, then the panning part, and the the part where the panning is ending. I slowdown the panning part, combine it with the (still) prepanning part, and take the (allmost still) end part in a crossfade to end the scene. I too would like to find an affordable speed changing system having speed modulation possibilities.
Dennis Jakobsen
November 17th, 2003, 10:41 AM
Now that we are talking slow motion, what happens when you import video shot in 10.000 frames/second... Does the imported clip automatically seem slowed when dragged to the 24 frames/second timeline? Or do you have to use another importing technique. Would be quite handy with that feature if its easy to edit it, since you could easily slow down footage without loosing frames or fields...
Nick Underwood
November 20th, 2003, 07:08 AM
The new Liquid Edition by Pinnacle has this "variable" rate slow mo (and fast-mo)....
May be what you are looking for....but a bit pricey though !
Glenn Chan
November 20th, 2003, 06:03 PM
revisionfx.com sells filters for slowing down footage a lot. There are certain problems you are going to run into if going slower than 33% which the Twixtor filter from Revision FX kinda fixes (I believe it makes up extra frames so motion looks nicer). There are other similar filters out there. Do a search in this forum for Twixtor or something like that.