Lisa Lee
November 16th, 2003, 03:48 AM
Does anyone know how I can get my .ts files to play on WMP9?
View Full Version : WMP9 and .ts files Lisa Lee November 16th, 2003, 03:48 AM Does anyone know how I can get my .ts files to play on WMP9? Phil Wright November 17th, 2003, 10:14 AM If you have an appropriate MPEG-2 decoder package installed MediaPlayer will play them if you select them via File/Open or just drop them on the desktop icon. Windows doesn't include an MPEG-2 decoder as it comes but many PCs ship with one to enable DVD playback. If you can pop a DVD movie in your PC and have it play then you likely have all you need. But lacking that you can just download VLC from It is a stand-alone MPEG player and will play the M2T/TS files without problem. Chris Gordon February 4th, 2004, 07:50 PM Is it possible to encode mpeg2.ts files in 720P WMP9 format? Will anyone who has the WMP9 program be able to watch these?Theoretically if this is possible, couldn't you fit 2hrs of HD material on a 4.7gig DVD? Lisa Lee February 4th, 2004, 09:12 PM yes, there are many pieces of software that can transform you .ts files into WMP9 video, adobe premiere with aspect, etc. But the main problem is that WMP9 is noticably worse quality than the .ts files. You can fit 2 hours on a DVD, but I'm not sure you would want to do that. (however the WMP9 720p does look better than your standard DVD-video). I have always used videolan to play my .ts files because for some reason I can't figure out how to get WMP to open them up. And, I have theatertek and winDVD plat both installed in the computer. (registered as well). PS: Chris, just go buy Terminator 2 Extreme or Coral Reef IMAX and you can see WMP9 in 1080p and 720p...yes it is about 2 hours long. Paul St. Denis February 4th, 2004, 09:31 PM The easiest way to convert .ts to Windows media 9 is to use Vegas which loads in .ts files (although it does not recognize the extension). Vegas allows you to save wmv 9 as a render option. If you don't have Vegas you can use a workflow similar to the one mentioned here. I thought I had a free way of going to wmv from JVC transport streams using DVD2AVI (trbarry version) to produce a .d2v file from the .ts (renamed with the .mpg extension) then VFAPI to produce a "pseudo" avi which can be read by Windows media encoder, but I think this only works on the machine I use because it has the mpeg2 decoder that came with Vegas installed. Chris Gordon February 5th, 2004, 03:02 AM I actually have the T2 extreme DVD and have played it in 1080p on my P4 3.2GhZ laptop and it looks pretty good. Would there really be a noticeable loss at 720p going from .ts to WMP9 if I viewed the footage on my HDTV plasma screen? Is there any other option that would minimize the loss of quality? Thanks! -Chris Lisa Lee February 5th, 2004, 11:10 AM I think that would depend on your plasma. We definitely notice a difference on our front projection system, and even non-videophiles can easily tell the difference. On a 22 inch LCD TV we can also tell there is a difference. However, if you have one of those EDTV rather than a true HDTV plasma, the difference may not be as noticable. Either way, storing 2 hours on WMP9 on a DVD is a wonderful thing..even if it is not quite as sharp as a .ts file. Also to minimize loss in quality you would want to set the bit rate when you encode to WMP9 as high as you can. Heath McKnight February 5th, 2004, 10:11 PM I was hoping to get my T2 Extreme to play on my Mac. Oh, well... Interesting discussion! heath Lisa Lee February 6th, 2004, 11:37 AM I think Gates would rather shoot himself in the toe than let you play T2 on a mac :) |