April 20th, 2002, 09:14 PM
Can someone please send me in the right direction....
I do I get the high res 6 sec. photo on my PC. I don't see any TWAINE control in Photoshope. I captured them, but they look like crap and are only 17K!
Thank's in advance,
Jeff Donald
April 20th, 2002, 09:20 PM
What system are you using? Mac or PC ? How were the images shot? Were you in the frame mode? What are you using to capture the images in regard to hardware and software? Sorry for so many questions but it will help us point you in the right direction.
April 20th, 2002, 09:26 PM
The 17K freezes were off a ATI Pro card, using Vagas Video capture software. The camera was in normal/TV mode. I am use to downloading my stills off of external medie (Memory Stick.)
Any other info you need- just ask...Tx, Leo
Jeff Donald
April 20th, 2002, 09:38 PM
Just your luck, unfortunately I'm a Mac guy. Maybe try posting with all the info on the Non-Linear Editing on PC section. I know nothing about your software. Sorry. It's been over a year since I captured stills from the XL1 but I seem to recall the size of a frame was about 70 to 100 kb. 17 kb seems more like a thumbnail.
Paul Robinson
April 22nd, 2002, 04:35 AM
Whenever I've captured stills, it's been via firewire into MediaStudio Pro, and they're bitmaps (.BMP) and thus rather sizeable but lossless. JPG is a lossy compression, so you may be losing quite a bit there. Try capturing them as uncompressed bitmaps and use a better quality photo editing package like Adobe Photoshop or something; at least then you have control over the compression of the image.
Remember also that the photos out of the XL1-S are only going to be TV res, not like some of the other cameras that give you higher res stills onto a memory stick....
Good luck!
Rob Lohman
April 22nd, 2002, 05:14 AM
DV video cameras do not have drivers and thus no TWAIN
interface. It is not a digital photo camera, although you could
user it for that. What the photo mode on the XL1 does is just
store the current "photo" for 6 seconds on the tape with audio
behind it. If you want to "extract" these photos you need to
do so manually in your NLE editing application. Premiere has
an Export Timeline -> Frame option to do just that.