View Full Version : 35mm adapter...getting down to it

Brandt Wilson
November 13th, 2003, 10:58 PM
Okay. There's a lot of discussion about using the ground glass technique to obtain the "35mm look". The obvious aspect of this is variable focus depth. I'm looking for specifically what the community at large would expect to gain from this device. I'm looking for details. To keep this discussion tidy, I want anyone who responds to please respond with bullet additional exploration at this point, please. Let's keep exploration going in other threads.

I'm starting off with the following ideas to set this off. I'll add and subtract based on response and consensus. The list below is not necessarily compatible in one unit, it's just a sample of possible features.

1) Variable focal depth
2) Ability to pull focus
3) Small and lightweight
4) Compatible with 35mm motion picture lenses
5) Compatible with 35mm still lenses
6) What style (ENG/ Handycam/ PD150) or model would you like to see this interface with.


Rob Lohman
November 24th, 2003, 06:55 AM
I'm not sure in what direction you want to go (or are going) with
all of this. The lack of response might be due to more people not
"understanding" you?

Brandt Wilson
November 24th, 2003, 09:32 AM
Hi Rob,

I am looking at developing a new budget-oriented commercial design, and am looking for input from people who would use it. In the past when questions of "what do you want" are opened, the scope becomes unmanagable, so I'm trying to keep it tight.

I can't release any additional info at this point, I'm afraid, as there are others involved in this project that want to keep pretty quiet until there is something to announce. But I was sent out to find out "what do people want".



Rob Lohman
November 24th, 2003, 09:36 AM
Well in that case I would like to add PRICE to your list. Since we
are all low-budget people mostly price is very important.

Focal depth should come naturally with a good adapter + lens.
Pull focus is ofcourse also a feature of the lens used.

I myself own a Canon XL1S, so that would be the target for me.

Agus Casse
November 24th, 2003, 01:23 PM
Hey there... hey brandt, check my thread, the design will be free for anyone... i wish you luck with your project, let me tell you that making the adapter is really easy, the problem is perfecting it.

I will post the plans soon to everybody to build it, but i think i will make a comercial version soon, more compact, with variable ground glass speed, and with no vibrations, if you wanna share some tips, you can msn me at

Rob Lohman
November 24th, 2003, 01:28 PM
The thread Agus is referring to is this one (

Barry Green
November 24th, 2003, 09:53 PM
Guys, keep in mind that P+S Technik probably holds a bunch of patents on this product. Do a patent search and read the patents first. If you do the same thing they do, you will not be able to legally sell it unless you negotiate an arrangement/licensing agreement with P+S Technik.

(I am not a patent attorney, nor do I play one on TV, but if you're thinking of a commercial product you have to do your homework and make sure you won't infringe).

Ken Tanaka
November 24th, 2003, 10:41 PM
Keep in mind that the basic adapter only represents one part of the facility. The other, and more expensive, part is using good quality 35mm prime lenses with such a rig.

Also note that the primary market for the Mini 35 is probably the rental house market, not the consumer market.

Agus Casse
November 25th, 2003, 12:22 AM
Well, actually i dont think that they invented something new actually, cause you use a SLR camera and put the DV camera in the viewfinder, you are making a basic mini35 adapter, i will make my adapter for free, and a comercial version as well, if i have any problems, i send the plans to china, and they will make thousands of them a day... who can say something about trademarks to them ? heheheheheh

Still, the mini 35 adapter, is not quite simple, it has many functions, and it is designed to adapt motion lenses, matte box, and a lot of more stuff, i am just building a "projection box", same thing as a director viewfinder... same thing...