Agus Casse
November 10th, 2003, 01:20 PM
I look in the P+S page and there is an adapter for little DV cams like my TRV18, (heheh great little cam)....
Anyone know if it is good, price and any other comments?
here is the link
Mizell Wilson
November 10th, 2003, 01:49 PM
The device in question is the VDF (video director's finder).
While it is the technology that the Mini35 was originally based on, it does not quite have the full feature set.
The major difference is that it uses fixed ARRI III ground glasses. While you could get a ground glass with no aspect ratio markings, it would be fixed so the ground glass pattern would always be visable.
The device is approx. $5,500. I would recommend renting this first before making a purchase of this nature, considering it's limitations.
Agus Casse
November 10th, 2003, 03:39 PM
For that price i would purchase a Panasonic 24p cam....
What about a home made device.. why is so impotant the ground glass ?
Mizell Wilson
November 10th, 2003, 03:50 PM
It is the image projecting onto the ground glass, or image screen in the case of the Mini35, that allows the lenses to maintain the Angle of View and Depth of Field characteristics as they would be in 35mm motion picture film.
There was talk, on 2-pop I believe, where someone mentioned they had made a device that mimic'd the Mini35. It involved using a large format camera and it's viewing screen. The results met what that person was looking for for their job, but I didn't like the results. It was also super bulky.