View Full Version : oldies but goodies - advice welcome

John Jay
November 6th, 2003, 02:41 PM

I am setting up an indoor studio facility using two studio cameras via Pana MX50 mixer into a Sony DSR30 DVCAM, and I am in the market for two second user studio cameras (must have either component or svideo outs)

I am looking for something better than say Sony DXC 3000 which has only about 500 lines res - 800 is preferred

I have been looking at Pan WV-F250 with the WV250 studio back, but thats only a 1/2" 3CCD and maybe 2/3" would be nice

I have about 800 sterling which should be enough for two used cameras judging by what they fetch on say ebay or Mandy

if you know some good cameras that I should 'turn my radar on for' please help me out and list them in this thread

much obliged


Glenn Chan
November 6th, 2003, 06:45 PM
There's a lot of fudge factor in how you measure lines of resolution and there's also some plain misleading information.

All mini-DV cameras recording on mini-DV are limited to at most 540 lines of resolution. JVC however advertises 800 lines for one of its mini-DV cameras. Panasonic also advertises that its GS70 (consumer cam) gives 500+ lines- *in VCR mode*. If you judge cameras by specs alone, then you really have to watch out.

John Jay
November 7th, 2003, 04:21 PM
thx Glenn

I am not necessarily looking at any particular format - just a big 3CCD camera head with a studio back.