View Full Version : XL1 play/rew/ffd functions stopped working for a while..

Danie Pretorius
November 6th, 2003, 12:00 PM
I have a XL1 and are using it fairly regularly. I shot some video over the weekend and wanted to edit it (90 minutes 1.5 tapes) So I played it back from Canon XL1 to PC via firewire to capture it. Set it to video mode and it played. I rewind it to the beginning (as it was not at start of tape then). This happened while using buttons on camera and not PC control. When I pressed Play on camera, no reaction. Pressed FFD - no reaction, tried the remote - no reaction. PC could not control cam either like it used to - so firewire also 'stuck'. When switched to recording (any setting) it worked 100%. The quick review did not want to work either at that stage. Thought something might have been wrong with tape. Changed it with other tapes: all had same problem. Unplugged firewire, Powered camera down, took lens off, took power off (powered via AC at that stage), changed to battery power, back on - no luck. Kept camera off for a while and tried again. NO problem - it has been working ever since without a problem!

Any idea what could have been wrong?. Could one of the playback buttons been 'stuck' preventing play/rew/ffd-signal to go through? No problems so far with this great cam - had me worried for a while though!

I do clean the cam regularly with compressed air (tin)

Danie Pretorius, Kruger Park

Nathan Gifford
November 6th, 2003, 05:22 PM
I might suspect some conflict with the NLE and cam more than anything else. I use a different NLE, I did have a similar problem once, though everything worked after I disconnected from the computer.

One other thing to check are your batteries. If you batteries are old the levels out of the batts can cause weird things to happen. Also don't forget about the button cell in the handle.

Don Palomaki
November 6th, 2003, 08:47 PM
Not sure whether or not this will help, but some systems like to have the camcorder connected via firewire and powered up before the PC is started/booted.

Danie Pretorius
November 7th, 2003, 12:02 PM
Thank you for the replies. I suspect the computer as well.

The batteries are fine as I used the mains supply when the problem crept in!

Happy camming/editing and thanks for a wonderful forum to air and solve issues like this. I do visit this site very often - reading wonderful ideas all of you share from your weatlh of experience!

Best regards from sunny South Africa
Danie Pretorius