Jacob Walker
November 6th, 2003, 12:32 AM
I did a search but I couldn’t seem to find my any answer to my problem. Here it is, when I plug in my XL1s no editing program will recognize it. Premiere Pro, Vegas 4, ScenalyzerLive, or windows movie maker.
But here’s the catch, my Sony trv25 works fine in all those apps! But one day I just went to capture video with the cannon and it didn’t work. I’m running windows xp, amd 2200+, asus motherboard, capturing using the onboard ohci 1394.
So I thought, hey it’s been at least 2 mouths since I did a format (I do a LOT of things on my comp) I’ll give it a format. So here I am today and…. No workie. The most obvious thing to do is try the cam out on another comp which I’ll do tomorrow but just wondered if someone had similar problems?
Alex Taylor
November 6th, 2003, 03:18 AM
You probably don't want to hear this, but it could be the camera.. if it recognizes another camera but not another, that's a possibility. Try it on other computers if possible, to see if they will recognize it.
The upside (kinda) is, if it does turn out to be the camera, Canon will not only fix it if you send it in, but they will do a normal refurbishment of anything that needs replacing or fixing, so you'll have a nice "tuned-up" camera afterwards.
But I could very well be wrong about it being the camera! Has it recognized it before?
K. Forman
November 6th, 2003, 06:32 AM
Actually, I was surprised at how easily Premiere 5 worked with the XL1s. I would tend to look towards the firewire port on your camera, and see if it is in order.
Nathan Gifford
November 6th, 2003, 01:23 PM
Make sure the cam is in VCR mode, just for grins. One other test is to try copying cam to cam and see if that works.
Alex Taylor
November 6th, 2003, 01:45 PM
Yeah, good idea Nathan. If you get a 4-pin (or 3-pin? whatever's the smallest end) parallel firewire cable and connect the two cameras, playing with a few settings you should be able to dub one tape on to another. If you can dub a tape in the XL1 to a tape in your Sony then the firewire port on the camera is fine..
Jacob Walker
November 6th, 2003, 08:26 PM
Today I tried the cam out on another computer, and it didn’t work. And I did try in VCR mode with non success. I don’t have a 4pin to 4pin firewire cable, (probably get one now) but I’m still in denial that it’s not the cameras fault. (Cause I need it this Sunday for a shoot)
Going over to another friend’s house to try it on his computer tonight. But if I do send it in to get repaired should I send it to cannon where it’s still under warranty, or I purchased a 2 year warranty with the camera and it says to send it two “Mack Camera & Video Service” in New Jersey? Thanks for your help guys.
Alex Taylor
November 7th, 2003, 03:02 AM
The best idea would be send it to Canon if it's still under warranty with them. This might differ from store to store, but I believe most stores would send it off to Canon instead of fixing it themselves.
You said you need it for a shoot.. keep in mind if your firewire port is gone your camera will still work fine for shooting, you just can't use it as a deck. I say shoot on Sunday and send it off Monday ;)