Kadir Koymen
November 3rd, 2003, 05:51 PM
I have tried various effects and codecs to get the best filmlook out of my XL1s.
Visit my website and see the screenshots of the videos I made.
More than 30 short films and music videos which I shot and edited. Also more than 1000 screen shots which are adjusted during post production. Using adobe premiere 6
I used ONLY canon xl1s with its original 16x zoom lens and 3x wide angle lens. No filters! No mini35! No special lighting! No extra lenses! Its all out of the box! Its all with the available light around!!!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kadir Koymen
Nick Brady
November 4th, 2003, 08:08 AM
Kadir, your screenshots look excellent! I was only looking through your red car Gallery, but I think its easy to see that you have a great method for a filmic look.
How did you create this?
Does it look as good when it is shown in a movie? (...as opposed to single frame grabs)
Jason Chang
November 9th, 2003, 06:02 PM
I too would like to learn just how you've created those images, both in production and in post. Would you be kind enough to share your experiences with us?
Kadir Koymen
November 9th, 2003, 06:59 PM
Firstly I shot my scenes from as far as away. And I zoomed as much as I can. I also opened the aperture to the maximum. I shot in AV format (which fives aperture priority).
This gave me a narrow depth of field.
I shot in frame mode..
Thats all I did during the production..
In the post production I applied 4 simple efects using adobe premiere 6.5
1. Brightness & Contrast
I increased the contrast about 30%-35%
Decreased the brightness about 5%-10%
2. Tint
While the color "white" is selected in the efects preferences I applied about 35%-45% tint. (To calm the colors down (decrease saturation in other words)
3. Noise
I added %5-8% noise when the color gradient option is turned off.
4. Clip
I clipped the image to get the feel of wide screen.
I applied about 15% to 20% from bottom and top of the screen.
Thats all.
If you apply these efects to your footage using adobe premiere with the exact amounts you will see that it will look more like a film than it is digital. To see how dramatic is the change go back to the original image and see how lifeless and dull it is...
I hope this helps.
Take care let me know about further questions.
Jason Chang
November 9th, 2003, 07:04 PM
Don Donatello
November 9th, 2003, 07:11 PM
for me the resolution is too low to tell if it's processed video or film? and that doesn't matter. you make excellent use of CC, gamma levels, other fx's to give your clips different "looks"... keep up the good work,