Stephen Shearman
November 3rd, 2003, 09:32 AM
I am a British freelance documentary Producer/Director. Most of the time I work with hired kits and as I work mainly for UK broadcasters and within UK production companies it is always with a standard PD150 kit. Excellent though this camera is I have nagging doubts about it. I am considering buying my own DV kit
a) to make films for myself and
b) to 'wet hire' myself to UK production companies.
Every bone in my body is leaning me towards the Xl1s (and hot news of the XL2 increases my conviction) because of the inter-changability of the lenses. However I have been told that channel four (large, terrestial UK Broadcaster) will only commission DV footage that has been shot on DV Cam or DV Pro and does not prefer footage shot on Mini DV.
Can anyone out there confirm this for me and also definitively explain to me in terms of physical picture enhancement the difference between mini DV and DV Cam. (I know about the higher record speeds and increase in bit information and there are time code markers built into the chip?) Is this actually discernible? In my mind the ability to inter-change lenses outweighs the tape superiority?
Is there a pro- Mini DV tape that has a sturdier transport, casing etc?
Stephen Shearman
I am a British freelance documentary Producer/Director. Most of the time I work with hired kits and as I work mainly for UK broadcasters and within UK production companies it is always with a standard PD150 kit. Excellent though this camera is I have nagging doubts about it. I am considering buying my own DV kit
a) to make films for myself and
b) to 'wet hire' myself to UK production companies.
Every bone in my body is leaning me towards the Xl1s (and hot news of the XL2 increases my conviction) because of the inter-changability of the lenses. However I have been told that channel four (large, terrestial UK Broadcaster) will only commission DV footage that has been shot on DV Cam or DV Pro and does not prefer footage shot on Mini DV.
Can anyone out there confirm this for me and also definitively explain to me in terms of physical picture enhancement the difference between mini DV and DV Cam. (I know about the higher record speeds and increase in bit information and there are time code markers built into the chip?) Is this actually discernible? In my mind the ability to inter-change lenses outweighs the tape superiority?
Is there a pro- Mini DV tape that has a sturdier transport, casing etc?
Stephen Shearman