View Full Version : More Online Examples of the mini35 Adapter
Justin Chin April 16th, 2002, 12:30 PM Music Video Insider got an exclusive from ZGC to post these example videos. Check them out.
These are a bit small, but it still gives you a chance to see some more "real life" footage from the adapter XL1 combo.
I've yet to really sit down and do some hard core testing with my adapter. I should be recieving my set of Zeiss primes within the next few days and then you better believe I'll be shooting like crazy.
Chris Hurd April 16th, 2002, 01:12 PM Justin, how about if we do a series of Watchdog articles around your tests? Fame and glory await you.
Justin Chin April 16th, 2002, 01:27 PM Chris "Too Much Coffee" Hurd...
Admittedly, my test might not be all that scientific, but I would like to capture some high resolution images and show some examples. Like I said in my last post, I'll compare the JVC GY-DV500 and the standard 16x lens.
I'd also like to better outline the functions and do a diary of a film that will use my cam.
Hopefully, I can put together something soon.
Thanks for your help Chris.
ja135321 April 16th, 2002, 01:29 PM do you mind if i asked you how much you paid for the p+s adapter?
Justin Chin April 16th, 2002, 01:42 PM
Check the above link and you can do the math. It's not cheap. Plus, you have to add the purchase of 35mm lenses which double your price of entry. Rental of 35mm lenses is also not cheap. It's better to have at least one set of lenses around to work with. You don't want to have this device sitting around, when you can be shooting FULL TIME.
It's an investment. I have to say that I'm not buying any other big ticket items for the rest of the year (except maybe a zoom lens).
Hopefully, I'll get some DP work and finish up some short films. I've already got one feature lined up.
Chris Hurd April 16th, 2002, 02:06 PM I think some folks should be aware of just how relative pricing issues are. At NAB I ran into people who thought the adapter was way overpriced, and I talked to people who thought it was seriously *under*priced.
If you can make your money back on it and then some in less than a year, then I think you're on the right track.
ja135321 April 16th, 2002, 03:02 PM how does lees mattbox compare?
Justin Chin April 16th, 2002, 03:13 PM If you haven't seen this already:
I don't have any experience in this particular matte box.
ja135321 April 16th, 2002, 03:29 PM To get a shallower depth of field, you need the aperture wide as possible with the least amount of light in right?
Hey Chris would it be possible to have a filming tips section to your website?
Chris Hurd April 16th, 2002, 05:11 PM Justin -- that particular article at the link you gave is actually co-located in the DVinfoNet Articles section (prefer to keep folks from going too far away, thanks).
ja135321 -- consider at least giving yourself a name, dude... I don't know if you're a him or her or what. I encourage posting with real names and a location; it's not required but sure makes things a lot friendlier. Until then you're just a John or Jane Doe and it would be great to get to know you a little better. We're all on good terms around here as you can see. As far as a Filmmaking Tips section goes, I would welcome it... we need only to come up with the content. Submissions welcome. Thanks,
Jeff Donald April 16th, 2002, 05:23 PM Hi,
ja135321, you have part of it correct. In order to minimize or reduce your depth of field, open up your apperature to the smaller numerical numbers ie F4 or F2.8 etc. The smaller the number the less depth of field. The smaller the number, the more light you are letting in. If you have any additional questions please post them.
Jeff Donald
Justin Chin April 17th, 2002, 01:12 PM Hey Chris,
I put in an email to Mizell over at ZGC. He's been my main contact over there, and hopefully he'll hook me up. Maybe, he'll generously send me some Cooke S4's to play with. What do you think? I think I'm dreaming... ;)
If you still want me to a series of articles, I'd be glad to. Who can resist fame and fortune? Okay, fame I can do without - fortune on the other hand is useful...
I found the article over at The articles are harder to link with frames.
ja135321 April 17th, 2002, 01:40 PM Hi Chris,
My name is John from CA. If you can change my name to JohnFromCA, that would be fine. Its not that I dont want to tell you my name its just that I dont want other people to know who I am. I'd rather remain anonymous. And please dont think I'm famous because I'm not.
Thanks for all your help,
Guest April 22nd, 2002, 02:27 PM Justin:
This new adapter is very exciting news. I went to your site to learn more about it, and read the interview with you and your partner on the Watchdog site.
It's particularly exciting for folks like me who live far from Hollyweird. Even though my son-in-law's father owns Foto-Kem and I get a pretty decent price from them, I think being able to be more portable on location, not having to FedEx film out to get dailies (three days later), eliminating film processing and telecine costs is going to revolutionize the industry. And there you are right in the forefront of it all. Good for you!