View Full Version : Recording Time lapse and sending to server ??'s

Jason Casey
October 30th, 2003, 11:08 AM
Ok, I am asking this on behalf of someone else hoping that someone knows more about it than I do.

Here's what we have, there is a new building being built, the company building this building wants to have a time lapse pictures taken every day to show the progress of the building being built. We will have a camera set up at a building nearby to capture everything, we just need a way to automatically have the camera send a picture back to a server at certian intervals throughout the day, maybe 50 shots a day or so. They were hoping to have a MiniDV camera set up going through firewire into a computer, just so you can get an idea of the setup.

Any ideas would be very helpful regarding software programs that might be able to do this, they basically want a way to get the pictures without having to be there all the time to take and upload the pictures to a server.

Joe Sacher
October 30th, 2003, 12:00 PM
The first thing that comes to mind is some type of web cam software. They should be able to connect to the camera and then take images at a set interval. These can then be automatically uploaded to an FTP server or Web Server. In you instance, they wouldn't be served like a web cam, but the process for that would automate the transfer for you.