View Full Version : HELP!!! Dirty head problem (yes I've read other threads)

Roze Ann
October 28th, 2003, 08:39 PM
In a nutshell.... I have a JVC GR-D30U that I use to transfer mini-dv (Fuji) to the computer. Had to have some old 8mm transferred to mini-dv so I could get it into FCE. TOTALLY forgot to mention Fuji tape. Picked up mini-dv is a Sony Premium DVM 60. Put it in JVC and immediately got "use head cleaning tape" message. I have ONLY used Fuji tapes in this camera and the GL2 since buying both new within last 4 months or so. Have only run 12 tapes through JVC and about 15 through the GL2 (have yet to transfer all... some are 'home movies').

I have a Panasonic head cleaner that came with the GL2. Cannot find a Fuji Mini-dv head cleaning tape anywhere. Now what!?!?!? AAAHHHHH. Does Fuji simply not make a head cleaning tape?

After reading several threads this eve I looked at the physical Sony tape and the Fuji tape. Sony tape very smooth. Fuji tape appears to have very small "bubble" looking things. Any ideas. Should I consider changing tape stock now after cleaning the heads because I cannot find the same brand for cleaning as I use for shooting. PLEASE answer a.s.a.p. some of you regulars. BIG shoot coming up. No time to send out the small came. Scared to put that Sony tape into the GL2 but really need to transfer footage very very soon. It's about 7 minutes of footage total. ANY help/advice greatly appreciated.

P.S. Went with Fuji based on my 'stills' experience with brand and after reading many threads on the subject on this forum. THANKS!

Jeff Donald
October 28th, 2003, 08:43 PM
The brand of the cleaning tape makes no difference. But you need to follow the directions with the cleaning tape to the letter. Not following the directions can damage your camera.

Roze Ann
October 28th, 2003, 08:50 PM
Hey Jeff...THANKS. I was SOOOO worried about using a different brand of cleaning tape. Whew! Now I can move on :)

BTW LOVE your wildlife shots... "Skimmer with fish" and "Red Shouldered Hawk" are my favs. Really, really nice work. My sis lives in Dunedin, FL. How close are you to Honeymoon Isle? That's about where she is.

P.S. If I play that Sony tape in the JVC should it *really* big that big of a problem as long as I never mix brands again. Next time I will provide a Fuji tape to the dupe house.

Jeff Donald
October 28th, 2003, 08:57 PM
Palm Harbor is the next community north. I get to Honeymoon Is. all the time. Thanks for the kind words. Good luck with your camera.

Roze Ann
October 28th, 2003, 08:59 PM
Jeff...just added a "ps".. any opinioins?