View Full Version : Image with some bending

Greg Manzanera
October 27th, 2003, 03:44 AM

I bought my DVX100 4 weeks ago and I have been using it alot.

Yesterday I was recording a short film and I noticed somethig I had not yet noticed. In the lower half of the monitor I was watching some bending in the image toward the center.

It was one of those moments of doubts, mistery and stress and I didnt get to understand what was happening.

I talked with the director of photography. and he told me that it could be due to the perspective. That is a common effect he told me on some lenses, but it is correctable with an external lens...

Have you noticed something like this?? Is this some sort of astigmatism in the camera? do you get perfect alignment of the camera with vertical lines (doors, walls,....)

I am really worried abou this point as I dont know if my camera is flawed.

Best Regards,


Stephen van Vuuren
October 27th, 2003, 10:23 AM
The DVX100 Lens has some barrel distortion at full wide angle setting.

This is normal on lenses in this price range for DV cameras.

Even expensive (i.e. tens of thousand dollar lenses) have barrel distoration at extreme wide angles.

Nick Medrano
October 27th, 2003, 10:32 AM
Yea, check out the scenes in Forrest Gump, particularly the scene right after the kids (Hanks and the girl) are praying in the cornfield and it goes to a craned-wide shot over the field. Yikes!

Richard Beaudry
November 8th, 2003, 11:06 AM
Indeed we also notice some geometric distorsion and not only on the "wide portion" of the zoom range witch is typical of barrel distorsion from optical elements. This was observed on all our DVX100. I would like to have explanation from Panasonic on this!