Ryan Krga
October 26th, 2003, 08:41 PM
Question #1: Is there anyway to set it so you can trim the clips by dragging the edges of the clips on the timeline like it is in Premiere and FCP?
Question #2: Can you select/highlight a clip and move it to another place on the timeline? Right now it seems like you can't move the clip. I want to have one clip start at 1 second, end at 2 seconds, and the second clip start at 4 seconds and end at 5, but right now the first clip starts at zero, ends at 1 second, and the second clip starts at 1 second and ends at 2 seconds.
Question #3: Is is possible to view the audio waveforms in a seperate monitor or in the timeline like in Premiere while editing so you can time the video the to audio?
Thank you very much,
Ryan Krga
Christian Stormbom
October 28th, 2003, 12:39 AM
Answer # 1 : yes -only its more advanced than in Premiere etc.
with the trim tool you can -lets call the clips A and B- make A
longer or shorter while shortening or making B longer, make B longer or shorter while shortening or makeing A longer.
Make A longer or shorter while B does not change and last
make B longer or shorter while A does not cange.
Answer # 2: yes -select the clip and move it with the "trim"
keys - "m" is 10 frames left "," is one frame left "." is one frame right and the next key to the right is ten frames right (cant give you the correct symbol for this one because I use a swedish keyboard and it does not have the same "thing" on that key as an american keyboard)
Answer # 3: yes - leftclick on the "hamburger" symbol to the far left down on the timeline and choose "sample plot"
Ryan Krga
October 28th, 2003, 09:57 PM
Wow, I didn't realize someone responded to this. Thanks a bunch Christian!
One problem though, when I click Sample Plot nothing shows up. Should I be opening a audio window like in FCP or is it supposed to be on the audio track in the timeline.
I think I just have some settings wrong, but don't know which ones to choose.
Ronnie Grahn
October 28th, 2003, 11:05 PM
It should be visible in the Audio Tracks in the Timeline.
Try enlarging / zooming in on them.
Ryan Krga
October 28th, 2003, 11:40 PM
I have "Sample Plot" checked and the timeline zoomed in very closely, but still no waveforms as you can see in the picture. Should the audio be on line 1 and 2 instead?
Christian Stormbom
October 29th, 2003, 02:43 AM
there is one more thing that has to be "right" but thats usually
set by default when Xpress DV starts - apparently not on
yours. Go to "Settings" its the thing after "Bins" in the box on the left lower side. Here click on "Timeline"and in the box that now opens UNcheck "Show marked waveforms" - thats it.
Ryan Krga
October 29th, 2003, 07:15 AM
Very, very weird. When I unchecked the Show Marked Waveforms they show, but when it is checked, they disappear. At least I have the waveforms up now. Thank you Christian.
Ryan Krga
October 29th, 2003, 10:02 PM
I know I have the waveforms in the timeline, but does Avid have a feature to make the waveforms show in a bigger window?