View Full Version : GL2 questions

Marko Zorec
October 22nd, 2003, 02:36 AM

this forum is really great...

Last week I bought GL2 and I am really glad the way it works. Especially the picture is great, I record only in frame mode.

I have also some questions:

1. My Classic-analog-videoplayer doesn't have S-video output. Only scart. If I understood the manual right, in tat case I do not have the option to use my GL2 as a analog-digital converter? Must I buy video with S-video connestor?

2. What means VCR? Is that videoplayer?

3. I want to record also macro projects. I heard there are things called DIOPTERS. Is it true that with those I can record in a full zoom and be about 1m from the object and also have a possibility to focus on a object?


Marko Zorec

Brian Huey
October 22nd, 2003, 03:07 AM
Welcome to the club!

1) If your VCR (analog video player) has RCA outputs (three plugins yellow/white/red , or maybe just white/red) then you can connect it to the GL2 to use as a analog to digital converter. If it just has the coax connection then you cannot hook it up to the GL2.

2) If you're talking about the slider switch that says "Camera Off Play(VCR)" then yes the Play(VCR) is the video player, slide it to this position to playback tapes.

3) I haven't used my GL2 for macro projects before but from reading on these forums it is able to focus right up to the lense! You do need to have the object well lighted though.

Hope that helps,

Graham Bernard
October 22nd, 2003, 03:08 AM
VCR - Video Cassette Recorder

I got a SCART adaptor with my XM2 kit and a multi channel plug that goes into the back of the cammie. The other end of this cable has the Yellow- Video, WHite and Red left Right audio channel. Plug these phonos into the same colour as the SCART adpator and off you go! - Easy peasey!

The zooming thing outside of my knowledge. Hold on tight, someone will come to you,



nice cammie Huh!?!?

Brian Huey
October 22nd, 2003, 03:10 AM
Just beat you Grazie! course I didn't know about the SCART stuff, is that a European connection?

Where you located Marko?


Marko Zorec
October 22nd, 2003, 03:16 AM

Thanx for the answers, I will try it out when I came home in the evening...

Brian: I know I can go up to 1cm close to the object with my lens. But in my cases, if I am recording a spider for example, it will be better to be 1m from the object and have ability to macro with the full zoom in, if U know what I mean, because my english is bad... :)

Graham: I use this SCART ADAPTOR only for viewing the recorded tapes from my GL2 on a TV. If I understood u right, it will works also as a A/D converter with this cable?

Thanx again, the cam is really nice, yeah...


Marko Zorec

Marko Zorec
October 22nd, 2003, 03:18 AM
I am from Slovenia. Europe. I have this scart adaptor.

Graham Bernard
October 22nd, 2003, 04:03 AM
Barry, Barry Barry . . don't go there! . . . It's a Europen thang!

Here are some links showing this little beastie in all its glory - lotsa pins, held together, sometimes, with a thin band of metal - One of the links below shows yer one having been autopsied - ughhh - have one of these johnnies spring apart and we're talking Rubic Cubes - NASTY - Here yer go knock yerself out!

Joris Beverloo
October 22nd, 2003, 04:21 AM

if you want to plug the scart in the vcr and then go with the 3 rca plugs to your XM2 to use it as an A/D converter, you cannot use the scart plug with comes with the XM2 I believe, this is only for an output, you would have to buy another scart plug which functions as an output. However, as mentioned in a reply above, if you have rca outputs on your vcr, no scart plug is needed in that case.

If you want to record macro, then a diopter is the way to go if you need feel zoom capability. The higher number diopter you have, the closer the distance to your subject must be in order to be able to focus in full zoom. So maybe you can try out a few different diopters in your store and see what you need. Also possible to stack them and then you can just add the number.

Federico Dib
October 22nd, 2003, 04:54 AM
This must be the 20th time I hear the SCART problem with the XM2... being only OUT... they should say so in the manual, but nop.. itīs not written in there, so you kind of have to figure that out after freaking out thinking that your camera doesnīt work.

Brian.. here in Spain, SCART is called EUROCONECTOR.... so there you go...

Side note (DV related):
Me, not being from Europe Iīve found three video cultural shocks, that we donīt have back home (thatīs Venezuela).

PAL, itīs just great. More after you get to know a bit about the technollogy, the colors, etc..

Teletext... hey you donīt ever need the TV Guide again...

SCART: aka "Euroconector"... That I donīt like a bit... I know they intended good when they made it... but I stay with my RCA connectors.. less adaptors, less mess, less buy a Play Station and have to wait one day to use it because it didnīt have the SCART adapter and the stores are closed.... etc....