View Full Version : Camcorder leash?

Michael Wisniewski
October 22nd, 2003, 01:28 AM
Does anyone make a camcorder leash similar to the ones for boogie or surfboards? One you could velcro to your wrist?

Frank Granovski
October 22nd, 2003, 03:49 AM
No, I haven't seen these, but it shouldn't be difficult to make one.

For surfboarding? I suggest an all-weather-housing case more than a velcro strap.

Michael Wisniewski
October 22nd, 2003, 02:54 PM
:-) Not much surf out here on the island of Manhattan, but I do want to replace the neck straps on my camcorders/cameras, I only end up wrapping them around my wrist anyway.

Mainly the leash would act
1. as a bungie cord in case I accidentally drop a camcorder
2. as an anti-theft device so that I can put the camcorder down for a second without worrying about getting it swiped.

i sometimes have to sitdown to make script changes or figure out different problems, and it's annoying to have to constantly keep one eye/hand on a camcorder when it's unleashed

Don Bloom
October 22nd, 2003, 04:26 PM
Try a pet supply store. Really, they have ALL kinds of leashes and straps. You might find one that works for you.
Plus you can get a nice collar for your camera at the same time.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

OR why not just get a shoulder strap from a camera store, you can put it across your body when you need to.


Michael Wisniewski
October 22nd, 2003, 06:23 PM
Sure, sure, and while I'm at it, I can pick up some healthy camcorder food so my camcorder gets that high pro glow.

Actually I sometimes use the neck strap as a shoulder strap, but it's a hassle when you're in the "moment" to have to continually put it on and take it off. I'm working with a group of actors so we're constantly making small adjustments and stopping to discuss creative ideas every few minutes, that's why the leash for shooting in public spaces.

Basically, I need to put the camera down several times during a shoot so that I can use both my hands but I need to pick the camera right up again.

Well if no one makes it, maybe I'll start selling them myself :-) ... along with the tags, collars, and food.

Don Bloom
October 22nd, 2003, 08:12 PM
There you go. Lemonade out of ....what am I talking about!?!?!?!

Seriously though, I was just at a pet supply place to get a new leash for my dog and the array of straps and so forth is amazing, you might really be able to find something OR a place I like to go shopping is the local home improvement store usually in the tool section, the tool belts and things like that - you might find something there.
Good luck

Dylan Couper
October 23rd, 2003, 01:56 AM
Micheal, send me an email, I might be able to help.

Matthew de Jongh
October 23rd, 2003, 12:56 PM
i think you could fashion something out of shock cord, it looks a lot like bungee but much smaller.

it comes in various sizes, there is stuff as small as 1/8th inch and it is fairly strong.

find it anywhere they sell real camping stuff. usually available by the foot.
