View Full Version : HD Roadshow to do HDV seminars!

Heath McKnight
October 21st, 2003, 06:50 PM
I saw this link in my inbox:

Interesting! And they're headed to Miami!


Raymond Krystof
October 21st, 2003, 11:29 PM

I signed up for this one in Burbank, California.

Seems to offer quite a bit for the price. However, it doesn’t look like they offer anything outside the greater L.A. area.

There is a link within that site to this one that might be of interest to you and other FCP users.


Heath McKnight
October 22nd, 2003, 01:21 AM
They are going to offer a Miami one soon, which I hope I can do. It IS during November sweeps. Maybe they'll do December...


Lynne Whelden
October 22nd, 2003, 06:44 AM
New York's show happens on Nov.11. If it's like what a JVC rep told me a few months ago, they're going to offer discounts on package deals along with everything else. Sounds very worthwhile to me!

Darren Kelly
October 22nd, 2003, 09:48 AM
the Heuris product is the one I had hoped to show on our DVD. they had discussed a price of $200 or so, which I thought might be a miracle to the mac users and this camera.

At the last minute, they changed their mind and said it was $4,795.00.

I'm not sure what drugs they might be smoking, but it was apparent they were not all that interested in selling the package.

Mac users have other alternatives, which we'll talk about on the DVD.

Steve Mullen
October 22nd, 2003, 05:55 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Darren Kelly : I'm not sure what drugs they might be smoking, but it was apparent they were not all that interested in selling the package. -->>>

They don't seem seem to grok this market at all.

They sent me a beta copy of the Extractor months ago. It simply gives you MPEG-2 which you can import into FCP. Big deal! We were able to that last April.

What they don't say is that you can't play MPEG-2 in FCP. And FX must be rendered to be played back.

Also note that the package doesn't record back to the camcorder.

For $5000!?!

It's only a week until November. How's the DVD going?

Heath McKnight
October 22nd, 2003, 06:00 PM
All of that for the great, low price of $5000? What a steal!

Speaking of DVD, mine is done. Unfortunately, I don't offer instructional stuff or plug-ins for the HD10... ;-)

This camera both sucks and rules. You all know which is which.


Darren Kelly
October 22nd, 2003, 06:15 PM
The DVD is going well and I hope to have it out on schedule still. It is expanding as people find out about it and want me to add this and that.

It comes with a free copy of Premiere to use and a free 30 day version of the plugin that ASPECT HD provides for people to try out.

Adobe asked me to include something on After Effects, which I said I would.

Also, it appears it will be a 2 DVD package instead of just one!

When you see multiple streams with animated graphics runing in real time on a laptop from Costco you will know this plugin is the one to get for PC users.

Oops, better not talk to much, I'll get myself kicked off again. :)))

Really would like some help getting your package included Steve. together we could be dynamite!


Heath McKnight
October 22nd, 2003, 06:54 PM

Just out of curiousity, will your DVD be both PC and Mac compatible? The HD10, for now, is really geared towards PC.

Also, dumb question, what are you selling it on, DVD-R, DVD-9? Just curious...


Darren Kelly
October 22nd, 2003, 07:05 PM
It will be mac and pc compatible and playable on your regular garden variety DVD player.

I disagree with the idea it's not mac compatible. It certainly is more work to use it on a mac, but I wouldn't write it off.

Aspects plugin makes the PC the easiest choice, but we will show you how to use it on the Mac too.

As to DVD-r or DVD9, not sure yet.

Heath McKnight
October 22nd, 2003, 07:09 PM
DVD-9 is universal, DVD-R is cheaper. You may want to save $$$ with


Steve Mullen
October 22nd, 2003, 11:11 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Darren Kelly : Really would like some help getting your package included Steve. together we could be dynamite! DBK -->>>

Heath's feeling that the JVC camcorder is "PC oriented" is understandable.

JVC comes to market with a PC solution. Then arrives at NAB promoting a $1200 PC solution. And JVC now ONLY works with Apple -- who will take till next year to get a $1000 FCP 5 solution to market. Then Heuris changes their mind on a cheap Mac solution and raises the price to $5000. Yet it does LESS than my 4HDV that costs only $100!

That leads me to believe those who are seriously editing HDV will pay more than $1000 for something that gets the job done. Maybe Apple, CineForm, and Heruis understand this market better than I did.

Heath McKnight
October 22nd, 2003, 11:21 PM
Here's the problems:

1. For $100, you're SLAUGHTERING your competition.

2. I have yet to see a review of 4HDV.

That's why I'm not willing to buy 4HDV yet or Darren's DVD with plug-ins.


Steve Mullen
October 22nd, 2003, 11:57 PM
The folks buying 4HDV do not come to this site. And, I'm amazed since we have the best coverage of HDV!

Google "HD10." You'll arrive at my coverage of the HD10 in 3 of the top 10 English entries. And 1 of these 3 is to my 4HDV page. (The other 2 are to my reviews.)

Folks don't find us easily:
* DVinfo doesn't make one think "HDV"
* And, many think ".com" not ".net"

So who's buying 4HDV? Think "Hollywood."

One of the dealers selling 4HDV is one of the sponsors of the LA HDV bootcamp. Their name "Hollywood Rentals."

And guess who's appearing with them? Heuris with their $5000 solution!

I do have one person working on a review. But it will be in the "Film Editors Guild" magazine -- not here.

Not sure HOW we can get more filmakers to come here.

Heath McKnight
October 23rd, 2003, 12:11 AM
This site blows away, or whatever, and I understand that's a pretty major site.

I'm looking forward to the review.


Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2003, 12:51 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Heath McKnight : This site blows away, or whatever, and I understand that's a pretty major site.

heath -->>>

I agree fully. I actually caught them copying my site as a"review"of the HD10. Amazing!

Thankfully Robin fired the "reporter."

Heath McKnight
October 23rd, 2003, 12:54 AM
Really? Though I dislike working in news, my ethics tell me not to do that. How lame, copying your review.


Jose Cavazos
October 23rd, 2003, 06:56 AM
Your HDV review is linked directly from the JVC Pro website for the JY-HD10U.

Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2003, 08:10 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Jose Cavazos : Steve,
Your HDV review is linked directly from the JVC Pro website for the JY-HD10U.

Yes -- JVC does that deal directly with Video Systems. i have no role in that.

Hopefully, they'll do the same for my "HDV Edit" story too.

Frederic Lumiere
October 23rd, 2003, 03:30 PM
Signed up for the New York Roadshow on Nov 11th. I really hope this isn't going to be one of those marketing ploys to sell more cameras. We'll see...

Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2003, 03:48 PM
Just discovered JVC has now linked to all myHDV stories. Good for them.

Frederic Lumiere
October 23rd, 2003, 03:55 PM

They should at least send you a free camera, or a deck for that matter. Don't you think?...serioulsy. Or even better, buy your 4HDV solution and package it with all cameras sold.

Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2003, 07:29 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Frederic Haubrich : Steve,

They should at least send you a free camera, or a deck for that matter. Don't you think?...serioulsy. Or even better, buy your 4HDV solution and package it with all cameras sold. -->>>

Woudn't that be nice. They seem very PC focused right now.