View Full Version : Big BR-HD50/HD110 and FCP problems

Scott Erlinder
April 4th, 2009, 04:37 PM
We were cruising along for a few months with using JVC BR-HD50 decks, JVC 110 cameras and Final Cut Studio 6.0.5 capturing with Pro res HQ with no problems.

All of a sudden, decks are no longer seen (in HDV only), nor are cameras or we're getting the "death of a thousand cuts" on footage the units that will be recognized and will capture. This is on Power Mac dual Intels, Mac laptops, etc...

This marriage between JVC and Apple has been a very stormy one for us and we can't seem to ever go for more than a few months without some issue like this re-occuring and little customer support form either side....

I've tried older deck firmware ( I always have one deck behind the rest for such occasions) and the same with cameras, but can't figure this one out...WHAT CHANGED?
The Mac sees the DV signal from the deck but not HDV.

A little help anyone?

I like this camera and will hope the new 700 model that records quicktimes will make this problem go away, but I have 15 110's NOW and 8 decks...


Justin Ferar
April 6th, 2009, 01:20 PM
15 cams and 8 decks- Wow! You should be designated as a JVC quality control testing center.

I don't know if I can help but here's what I do.

I digitize and edit as HDV. Once in a while I get a drop out. If it's a mission critical drop out I switch everything over to digitize via HDMI as Pro Res using RS422 for TC. Usually it's just a little 5 second section which is easy to edit into the HDV footage. Sometimes I can see the drop out but sometimes it's visually invisible.

I used to exclusively digitize as Pro Res over HDMI (the whole tape as one large file) but once JVC and FCP were able to do HDV I've been in heaven regarding file size and storage.

Mind you this is all with a $325 Black Magic Intensity Pro which is a minor miracle if you ask me.

Hope this helps.

Robert Rogoz
April 6th, 2009, 10:58 PM
You might try to trash your settings in Preferences and re-enter everything again. Also for this occasion you might want to purchase DR-HD100 and capture it that way. Later you might want to shoot tapeless.

Alan Craig
April 7th, 2009, 01:08 AM
Scott, Judging from your post your are a big fan of the 110 I am contemplating buying a 111 which is very similar to the 110 but have concerns about 24p native HD as I have never shot in that format. There is a smoothing option on these cameras have you ever used it and if so what difference does it make compared to 50i or 60i ie: panning and fast moving objects, what sort of work do you use your cameras for.

Regards Alan