John Klein
April 12th, 2002, 04:31 PM
You know I love the 32 k audio and 4 tracks. It allows me to use the onboard mic and keep an xlr input running so I don't have to switch between one input or the other (no forgeting to change!!!!!). But in my NLE, I need to have 16 bit in order for my purposes. Not to mention that I hate the "mix all 4 channels" CRAP instead of allowing all 4 independent streams. Two passes suck.
Anybody find a way to use the onboard mic (1 channel) and an xlr (channel 2)? Any other solutions you've found? And I don't mean buy a 150 :o)
Don Palomaki
April 13th, 2002, 08:25 AM
First, some NLE sustem can be set to capture the 4-channel stream and sample to 16-bit/48 kHz. THis is the better apprach if you like the 12-bit/32 kHz results otherwise.
The Canon mic is stereo, so using a mono mic may be better if downconverting to a mono signal. But it is possible to fabricate an adapter to power the Canon mic (the 2.5mm jack) and mix the Canon mic output to mono to feed one channel. Be sure the ground is carried from the XL1 mic to the XL1 body - it is needed to power the mic.
April 18th, 2002, 08:26 PM
I posted a similar question today, but I ended up working it out for myself. I went to radio shack and bought a male and female 2.5 mm mini adapters. I then made a short cable that I could extend from the camera and plug in the power for the XL-1 Mic. I then made another cable that that went from eighth inch stereo mini female to balanced XLR. 16 bit recording with XLR mic and a seperate wireless is now possible! By the way, if done correctly it sounds great with no humm at all!
Chris Hurd
April 20th, 2002, 11:33 AM
Mat, send me some pictures... sounds like a good article for the Watchdog.