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June 29th, 2002, 07:40 PM
Hello everyone...currently in pre-production on major documentary project regarding the most bizarre, unsolved quadruple homicide in Northern California...and the sound guy jumped ship when I needed him most. Shooting on the Canon XL1, and in search of one of two things (or both): 1. Someone who is efficient in audio to take me through the basics; 2. A sound expert who might actually like to become a member of our crew. # 2 would require major comittment, but let me know. A fully-funded project, and we need you! Bay Area only...thanks for all your help already..write soon!

June 30th, 2002, 03:09 AM
Is it possible to get video into the XL1 from something like a VCR?


Steve Nunez
June 30th, 2002, 05:53 AM
Anyone else getting a "greenish' color cast when using the EF adapter with EOS lenses? I've noticed (as of late) that my footage has this cast only when captured with the 75-300 USM lens- could the Hoya 67mm UV [0] filter be the culprit? The stock lens is perfect and doesn't produce this color offset. It's ez to fix in FCP but just wondering if this is a by-product of using EOS lenses with the XL or is this phenomenon (sp?) specifically related to the lens I'm any case i'll probably just make a Custom Preset that pushes the greens away and use it when using the EOS lens.......

..i'm gonna try to shoot some footage without the UV filter and see if the cast is still present-----

..but i'm interested in hearing if anyone has experienced any casting when using non-video lenses on their XL's????

Jeff Donald
June 30th, 2002, 06:14 AM
My first guess would be the filter. the other possibility is the EF lens adapter itself. I used to use a JVC relay lens adapter that converted 2/3 inch to Nikon mount. The weight of the lenses caused a very slight light leak. I taped the mounts and the cast went away. If you have access to another EF adapter try it and see if the cast goes away. Maybe just try one on in a store if they'll let you.


Chris Hurd
June 30th, 2002, 09:21 AM
No. Please see the XL1 Watchdog FAQ at

Don Palomaki
July 1st, 2002, 06:04 AM
Only if the VCR (or other device) has IEEE-1394 (aka firewire) output.

K. Forman
July 1st, 2002, 11:03 AM
Hello all,
I have found myself in a desperate situation... Again. I have several shoots on the 3rd and 4th, all of which will require two cameras. I am stuck with just my Gl1 at the moment. Does anyone know where I could lease/rent/borrow another Canon in Orlando or the beaches?

July 2nd, 2002, 08:37 AM
I bought a XL1s camera recently. I dont know what causes this. But there are 6 horizantal gray lines on recorded image. They are equally spaced between recorded image. It looks like an effect but Ý was not able to fix it. The previous recorded images are Ok. But the new ones have the same problem. Can anybody please help me?
Thank you for your answers.

Chris Hurd
July 2nd, 2002, 10:05 AM
Sounds like dirty heads, or you've switched tape brands. Even new cameras can use a head cleaning. Get a head cleaning cassette and run it for maybe five seconds at the most. Also, don't switch tape brands... choose either Sony or Panasonic, and never switch back and forth without first cleaning the heads.

July 3rd, 2002, 03:49 AM
Try to white balance with a green filter (foam or gel or what it's called -Transparent plastic for lightning). Probably better than doing it in post. Go with 1/2 green gel. Personally I like the green tone much. But in movies that is.



Al Holston
July 11th, 2002, 10:27 AM

I have more than 20 years experience in audio, including video productions in both documentary and news. I am semi-retired (in my 50's) and would be interested in your project. Pls. email me at "" I'm in S.F.
I have some of my own gear (mostly mics) and I am in the process of getting a high-quality field mixer. If you have a laptop (Pent II or +/Mac G3/G/4, I can turn it into a field "hard disk" recorder.
Seperate audio tech support available as well as info -- your choice.

July 12th, 2002, 09:30 AM
I am HAPY, HAPPY, HAPPY with my Portabrace soft case for my XL-1. Zero complaints!!

Jeff Donald
July 12th, 2002, 04:38 PM
Which model case are you using? I have a Tamrac bag that is good, but I'm looking for something bigger.

Don Palomaki
July 13th, 2002, 07:40 AM
Tamrac has two bags for the XL1. The original was a bit tight with the MA-100 mounted, but works and is what I use. They released a second somewhat larger bag a year later which I have not used, but which should be a good value.

Ron Transco
July 14th, 2002, 10:21 AM
I'm considering buying the NEB50XL and was wondering if it would be possible to velcro a small wireless receiver to the battery plate, next to the battery holder. I really don't need XLR connectors and from what I read the MA-200 isn't that great of a sholder support. Seems a waste to buy it just to mount a wireless receiver. Since the Nebtek would occupy the shoe, just wondering what my options are as far as receiver mounting.

Jacques Mersereau
July 14th, 2002, 02:48 PM
Hey All,

I've owned my trusty XL1 now for over 4 years, but just today I
have been getting a lot of eject tape errors. These usually came
after waiting in pause for a couple of minutes, then when I'd hit record,
the message appears. This happened about 10 times in the course
of a 3 hour shoot. Could it be the tape? I don't think it is moisture as
the day wasn't all that hot or humid. It happened about a week previous
a couple of times.

It may be time for my wonderful old work horse to go into Canon,
but I'd thought I'd post my experience, and ask if anyone else out
there has had this problem, and if so, how you resolved it?

Chris Hurd
July 14th, 2002, 04:55 PM
Jacques, I'd say it's a job for Canon Service.

Jeff Donald
July 14th, 2002, 06:58 PM
The MA 200 works just fine in my opinion. I use the 4 channels it provides occasionaly and attach both the CH-910 dual battery adapter and my mic pre amp/phantom power supply and have a Lectrosonic receiver velcroed to the supply. This combination redistributes the weight quite nicely off the arm, to the shoulder. I wouldn't say you could run with this, but that's not my goal. It does provide a comfortable platform to hold and shot with for minutes, with very little discomfort, or movement.

If you don't need XLR connectors and shoulder mounting is not that important consider velcroing the receiver to the handle. There is a post here on somewhere. Or attach the receiver to your belt.


July 16th, 2002, 06:32 PM
Im looking to buy a supercardoid microhpone for a small sum of money. Ive narrowed my choices to two Azden models, the SGM 1x and 2x. I dont need an XLR box, as I had a friend build one for me. Anyway...I want a directional microphone that I can mount on the camera and get good clear sound with. The SGM 1x isnt as long as the full length 2x (11.8 inches compared to 16 inches) I know both will give me good sound, and the 2x will be a bit more directional than the 1x, but will the 2x look ridiculously long mounted on my VX-2000? If I get the 2x, will I really use the Omni capsule that much? Any advice on this tough decision would be appreciated. Here is a link to some specs;

Don Palomaki
July 16th, 2002, 06:53 PM
Actually more folks in the VX2000 forum are likely have a better idea as to how it will look on a VX2000 then the lurkers here in the XL1 forums.

July 16th, 2002, 11:45 PM
I have a question for you. I have a shotgun mic (XLR out) and a UHF wireless mic (XLR out). Both I have going to the MA100 and then into Audio 1 in 16 bit audio mode.

What I want is to not mix the two together so that in the editing process I can choose between the two. Is the only way I can do this is to have one of the mics actually plugged into Audio 2? If so, I imagine the shotgun would be the choice, but is there a connector available that will let me hook that up?

Ed Frazier
July 17th, 2002, 07:39 AM
With Premiere, go to Audio Options and duplicate the left or right channel, whichever one you want to keep. This effectively mutes the opposite channel while putting the one you want to keep on both the left and right. Use the razor tool to define in and out points in the audio track. I haven't used other editors so don't know if this would work with them. Another solution would be as you suggest, using Audio 2, but would require an adaptor to connect the mic.

July 17th, 2002, 10:01 AM
I have the SGM 1x and it's great. I agree with you that the 2x would look pretty ridiculous and if you have an on camera light, the long mic can throw a shadow into your shots.

Al Holston
July 17th, 2002, 10:12 AM
I don't know from your description, how you have your two mics hooked up the camera's audio 1. If you want seperate tracks on the two mics, then, hooking one up to audio 1 and the other to audio 2 is the best way to go.
The easiest way to do this is get either a MA100 (It uses audio 1/2 for left/right), and allows two mics plugged in with "xlr" connectors. You could use any "mic to line" or "mic to mic" box mounted on the bottom of the camera. Sounddivces and the MA100 I think are two of the best; Sounddivces also has a one channel (since your wireless already has its own interface) interface, allowing the shotgun to go to audio 2, with the wireless going to audio 1, as it does now. Good luck. al.

July 18th, 2002, 10:53 AM
Here is a great specail on a 5.6 LCD made to be used for the PS One gaming system but it takes stereo and RCA Inputs so would work great as a LCD display for the XL1.

The only bad thing is you need external power.

Here is a cheap power supply.

Al Holston
July 18th, 2002, 11:07 AM
Has anyone heard from Sterrophonic, he logged on in June asking for help -- then no word! Sterrophonic, where are YOU???

Josh Bass
July 18th, 2002, 01:46 PM
I hate my color EVF, but choose to live with it. I have noticed that when I view footage on a TV (I'm sure it'd be the same on a NTSC monitor) that the picture is significantly brighter than what I saw in the viewfinder, to the point where something that looks pretty good in the EVF can look fairly washed out on a TV. Now, when I look through the viewfinder from higher than I normally would, (down into it, instead of straight on) it looks more like what's on the monitor.

Needless to say, this whole situation is utterly ridiculous. Can I have the brightness adjusted? Even though in the manual it tells you how, it lies. It makes it look as though there's some easy way to do it, when in reality you have to do something possibly dangerous to yourself or the camera. Is there anywhere I can take it to have it done? Field monitors are all well and good, but we can't always have one with us now, can we?

Jeff Donald
July 18th, 2002, 05:22 PM
I think this topic was lost on Black Thursday. Several people were commenting on how long it took because they had not received membership after 1 or 2 months. I had posted it took mine about 3 months.

Well, a friend of mine sent his application in just 3 weeks ago (filled in on Canon's site) and today got his membership kit. Chris must have lit a fire under someone up there.


Don Palomaki
July 18th, 2002, 06:36 PM
If the user manual says you can do it, it is not likely to be dangerous to yourself. To the best of my knowledge there is only low voltage in the standard XL1 EVF assembly.

Brightness, contrast and color of LED panels are often sensitive as to veiwing angle. I find that the eye cup helps me keep a reasonably consistent eye alignment.

TV sets usually have a very bright screen. Was the image so bright that highlight details were blown out? Sometimes that can happen if for some reason the connection is improperly terminated.

Dylan Couper
July 18th, 2002, 09:50 PM
Those are pretty cheap and could be mounted to an XL1 somehow.

Do any of you electronics wizards out there know a way to hook these up to some kind of portable battery source? Like a power adapter that would let you run them off battery packs from a different use? Like RC car battery packs?

Ron Transco
July 18th, 2002, 11:37 PM
Mine's 2 months out and counting. Did your friend apply via mail or on the web?

Josh Bass
July 19th, 2002, 12:02 AM
That's possible. I logged everything on a TV VCR combo ( I don't know the brand name) so I have no idea if what I was seeing was the "true" image. Unfortunately I suspect it was.

As for the viewfinder, I believe I called Canon themselves to ask them how to adjust the brightness, being that they had something totally different in the manual from what you actually had to do, and the guy told me it wasn't something they advise trying to do (notice the little lightning symbol next to the adjustment area). I believe in the manual it says there's a button or dial or something, and in reality it's recessed screw. I'm not looking at the camera at the moment, and I'm feeling too lazy at this time to do so.

Jeff Donald
July 19th, 2002, 02:38 AM
He applied for the club on line at Canon's site I thought 3 weeks was really fast.


Alex Ratson
July 19th, 2002, 11:51 PM
would a Light Wave EQ-XL1 equalizer fit on my ME66 (with K6)?

Chris Hurd
July 20th, 2002, 12:39 AM
Hold off on this purchase. Currently it won't work with both mics, but a new Equalizer model is coming which will be more universal; for both the XL1 mic and the Senn 66 (among others).

Alex Ratson
July 20th, 2002, 12:40 AM
Thanks, i was just about to order it. few.

steve mac
July 20th, 2002, 04:50 PM
I want to knowwhat IRE level the Zebras on the old XL1 are set at? I know the XL1s has veriable settings for the Zebras so I want to set myXL1s to the same setting.

July 20th, 2002, 04:56 PM
Does anyone know if Canon or anyone else makes a extension cable for the XL1s mic? I want to put the mic on the end of a boom.
I've been to radio shack already:(

steve mac
July 20th, 2002, 05:09 PM
I just purchased an XL1s I notice it has Zebra settings that are variable, The Old XL1 That I am used to using didn't. Does anybody know what the zebra IRE setting on the XL1 is?

Jeff Donald
July 20th, 2002, 07:00 PM
The XL1 is 95 IRE. The XL1s is variable from 80 IRE to 100 IRE, in 5 IRE increments.

Don Palomaki
July 20th, 2002, 07:47 PM
XL1 zebra is spec at 95 IRE.

Nathan Gifford
July 21st, 2002, 09:47 AM
I made a 60' one about a year ago. Basically, go to a good audio store and buy the audio cable. Do not use the cheap stuff because it does make a difference.

At Radio Shack get the connectors for both ends. My recommendation is to use a Dremel tool and file down the edges of the connectors to get a good fit on both the cam and the mic.

Put some heat shrink on the cables (because their will be two of them of equal length). This keeps them together and reduces tangles.

Solder both ends and make some type of strain relief fixture for the cam end. On the mic end you will need something to keep from pulling out of the mic.

Mine works fine. Be aware that this does not use balanced audio. Sources that radiate lots of energy may cause you audio problems depending on where you shoot.

Hope this helps,
Nathan Gifford

July 21st, 2002, 04:53 PM
I used to import video trough fire wire with a Sony camcorder and a Panasocin MiniDV.

I recently bought a canon xl1s and i noticed a big difference when ever importing video with the canon xl1s. It takes a long time to respondo to my commands, like if i hit play using premiere's import window.. it takes about 3 seconds to start playing back and it i want to fast forward it takes like 3 seconds again to respond, then if i hit record... welll...

is just that i was used to the other camcorders and this one works slower that the other two, so im just posting this to see if anyone out there noticed the same thing..

or my camcocorder is malfunctioning...

thanks all


Chris Hurd
July 21st, 2002, 05:03 PM
I really don't think it's a malfunction. Seems to be about normal compared to my own experience. My XL1 isn't any slower or faster in responding to commands through my Canopus DV Rex RT deck control interface than my Canon Optura Pi. I've never compared it to any other cameras, though.

July 21st, 2002, 05:25 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Chris Hurd : I really don't think it's a malfunction. Seems to be about normal compared to my own experience. My XL1 isn't any slower or faster in responding to commands through my Canopus DV Rex RT deck control interface than my Canon Optura Pi. I've never compared it to any other cameras, though. -->>>

Yeah, its just that compared to my old Sony DCRV D8 this canon Xl1s responds a lot slower to my commands.

Christine Noguere
July 21st, 2002, 07:45 PM

I'd like to get some information about building my own shoulder mount. I've looked through the previous threads for something about home-built shoulder mounts and haven't come up with anything so far.

I've also spent a good deal of time looking at the ones at Varizoom, the Dolgin models, Steady Stick, and Glidecam (wish I could afford the latter!). Most of what I see looks a little awkward, particularly since I'm probably smaller than most of you guys ( 5'3"). Any help would be greatly appreciated.


July 24th, 2002, 02:09 PM
I bought the ma-100. I bought two Audio Technica battery powered shotgun condenser mics (at835b and the at815b). I have new batteries in them. I turn the gain all the way up on the camera yet still hear next to nothing in the headphones.

I have investigated battery powered mic-pre options. Anyone have any suggestions on:
A. Possible fixes with what i already have, or
B. A good battery powered mic pre

going with the mic pre makes me feel stupid enought to think that i wasted 200 bucks on the ma-100, cause i wouldn't need it if i had gotten the mic pre.

I also tried a dynamic mic (shure beta57a) and i still got very little output.

Thanks! It was in the menu set to line level like you said, thanks a lot, i overlooked that!

Jeff Donald
July 24th, 2002, 02:40 PM
What do the record levels show? Check your menu settings and line settings etc on the side of the camera. Is the MA-100 plugged in to XL1? Are you set to 12 bit or 16 bit recording?


Don Palomaki
July 24th, 2002, 03:14 PM
The Audio1 In input sensitivity typically defaults to line level. Did You check the setting on the menu to be sure it is set for MIC ATT (or possible MIC) level.

Josh Bass
July 24th, 2002, 05:47 PM
I just bought some cleaning accessories. I got a lenspen, a microfiber cloth, and this stuff called Delta1 OFR Mist. Anyone know if it's safe? It says it is, but I figure what the hell does the manufacturer or the camera store know anyway?