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John Randolph
May 19th, 2004, 03:24 PM
I was shooting in a barn the other night in 30 frames and when i played it back i noticed color brightness mainly.

Anyone have any ideas on what this is or what its doing?

Ken Tanaka
May 19th, 2004, 04:17 PM
You'd have to tell us more about how you were shooting. When you say "30 frames" what do you mean? Shutter speed? The XL1S only shoots at 30 frames/sec. How were you managing your exposure? Tv? Av? Manual? Etc.

Offhand, I'd guess that you were using a program exposure mode (probably Tv) and something was making your iris flex.

Ken Tanaka
May 19th, 2004, 04:21 PM
Welcome Andrew,
The standard shoulder pad is a bit of an oddity, so don't think that you're the oddball. I don't think anyone likes it.

The standard upgrade is to get an MA-100 or MA-200. These larger "pads" offer a bit more support (particularly the MA-200) and also feature XLR audio ports. (The MA-200 also features a BNC video-out connection.)

Still, even these won't make the XL1S really comfy. For that you'll need a full-blown shoulder brace such as those offered by Varizoom, DVTec,

Franco Zefferi
May 19th, 2004, 11:58 PM
I use this one:

it is simple but really confortable.
my arms still thank me of it :)

Don Palomaki
May 20th, 2004, 03:16 AM
Also, what kind of lighting did you have?

Dan Naygeboren
May 21st, 2004, 11:05 AM
Please beware of scam sellers on e bay of XL1 and Xl1s.

1. They are not legit sellers. Whenasked for payment the ask you to wire funds or use fake escrow services.

2. They say location is most often Canada but when they get in touch with you they are most often in Europe.

3. They as well BUY camera and merchandise and ask to ship Express and want to use escrow but they are fake.

Please do not get fooled.

Here is a list and fake escrow services and some horror stories of people losing big money to these scammers.


Ken Tanaka
May 21st, 2004, 11:19 AM
Indeed, while there are some good deals on eBay, there are also some nasty folks.

We have an extensive permanent thread on this topic in the business section (

Thank you for your reminder.

Andrew Paul
May 22nd, 2004, 10:53 AM
Hi all,

Sorry to bother you all again but I cannot seem to find the answer to my question this forum. I found something similar in the GL2 forum, but I`m not sure if the tests where a bit biased. Anyway, here`s my question to you hardened camera users. I have recently bought an XL1S and have had a GL2 (we call it XM2 here in the UK) for about 18 months. I am still getting to know the XL1S and all its controls and I`m sure I can make the picture even better than I am getting at the moment. I took my two cameras out to the marina today and took some footage of the boats. The day was perfect, a few clouds and loads of sun. When I got home and grabbed my footage I decided to do a comparison of the footage. Colours where pretty much the same, XL1S was a bit softer, but I know I can sharpen that up a bit from the camera menu. But the footage was pretty much the same. My question is "if in a set of hands of somebody who knows wwhat they are doing, will the XL1S give a better quality picture than the GL2". Humping the XL1S around was a damn site harder than carrying the GL2 around. If the extra weight can be justified I`d happily carry it around, if not, I`ll take the GL2 out with me. I know the XL1S has the added advantage of interchangeable lens and maybe better sound capabilities, but is that it ?

Many Thanks


Andrew Paul
May 23rd, 2004, 01:32 AM
I remember reading somewhere that canon had a XL1S club that users could join by sending in their serial number of the camera, I think that it was only for USA residents though. Does anybody know the web address where I can see about registering and if I have to live in the USA to register. UK doesn`t seem to have anything like it on their site.

Ken Tanaka
May 23rd, 2004, 01:59 AM
The XL1S Owners' Club is a creation of Canon USA. I believe that it only applies to U.S. owners.

Rob Lohman
May 23rd, 2004, 07:36 AM
As you noticed the XM2 is very good as well. The XL1S should be
slightly better with the superior glass in front of it, but that might
not be very noticable (also depends on what you are viewing the

As you also noted. Most people buy the XL1S over an XM2 for
other reasons:

- easier controls
- better audio controls
- removable lens system (especially interesting with full manual lenses and systems like the mini35)
- availibity to swap other parts like microphones and viewfinder (to get a B/W CRT)

It is also a bit easier to dress it up to a more professional
system and get it a better shoulder mount. Some people also
get it because it just looks more professional (which can make
a difference for some clients etc.).

If you leave both camera's the same there isn't much difference
between them. Although I'm not sure whether the XM2 has things
like custom presets / white balance and how far things like gain
go on each.

Shazad Rayaz
May 23rd, 2004, 09:36 AM
Hi its my first post here so be nice ;)

ok, my Canon XL1 has developed a fault, the zoom button spring has come of so it gets stuck, it is out of warranty and its really a 2nd camera as i have a XL1s to replace it BUT would like to fix it myself. Now how do i get the side of so i can get to the zoom control?

Don Palomaki
May 24th, 2004, 04:04 AM
A project NOT for the fumble fingered.

Remove the lithium backup battery.
Remove the grip belt/strap.
Remove 5 hex screws in the side. Note with care where they came from because they are different lengths.
Separate the L cover and the R cover unit.
Diswconnect three cables

With any luck you will see 4 screws holding on the inside cover of the grip. Remove these and you should be inside the grip housing. The zoom key unit uiis behind the circuit board.

Good luck.

Tyson Thomas
May 24th, 2004, 11:47 PM
Just wondering...I was looking at a Sennheiser Shotgun Mic-KE66.........does anyone know if that would be a better mic than what the XL1s came with?

Don Palomaki
May 25th, 2004, 04:17 AM
It is a better mic, but keep in mid that it is mono if stereo is important, and you will need an XLR adapter to connect it to the XL1s.

Tyson Thomas
May 25th, 2004, 05:17 AM
No stereo wouldn't be important. I am shooting a documentary, so I will have a wireless mic on one channel and a boom mic on the other.

Amr Toukhy
June 1st, 2004, 03:18 PM
Dear All,

I think i am facing a problem with my Canon XL1s FIREWIRE I/O
i have a canopus DVstorm editing card, and when i hook the FW cable the card dosen't detect the DV connection, while i took a friend's camera with the same cable and everything is running smoothly....

I wonder what is the right thing to do... or is there any way to reset camera settings... my problem is that i live in Jordan and there is no actual mentenance for Canon XL1s in our town :(

Is there a replacement for the FIREWIRE I/O....

The analoge connection is working properly !!!

Amr Toukhy

Kevin Burnfield
June 1st, 2004, 03:32 PM
I don't know the DVstorm card but the first place I would start is there.

Check their website for any troubleshooting hints, check for updates to their software, check your cable.

Just so I know I got this right: did you bring a new camera into the same set up and try it out with the exact same set-up?

Did you use the same cable for the new camera? did you try the XL1 right before the other camera? Was the other camera a Canon camera?

I would try everything in that range first. Check the card's software.

Then I'd try shutting down your computer. Plugging in the camera, making sure the camera is on and then starting up the computer.

It might not be seeing the camera if you are hot swaping it.

After trying all of this and whatever the card manufacturer suggests then you can try a camera re-set, it's fairly easy:

take out the battery (or the AC adapter) and then in the underside of the hand grip you'll see this compartment you are able to pull out that has a battery there. Leave it out for a minute just for kicks and then plug it back in. You SHOULD have to reset the time and other settings for the camera which should say it's reset.

I'm sure some of the others here might have an idea but start with the card and see if they've had any problems communicating with Canon cameras

BJ Thomas
June 2nd, 2004, 04:15 AM
I believe your firewire port on camera might have been shorted. Try DV to DV connection if the DV info on your camera is blinking then your port is fried. If you are only using to transfering video to computer I suggest getting a cheap minidv camera and use it's firewire port. It will also save wear and tear on your Xl1's head.

Tom Fruzynski
June 4th, 2004, 12:03 PM
Has anyone tried , used and liked any particular lens stabalizing setup for the Canon 100-400 with the 7.2x EF adapter ?

The quality is fantastic, except in any mild degree of wind there just is too much jiggle in the picture. This despite a good fluid head and a long lens plate.

The main use would be in nature and wildlife photography.



Ken Tanaka
June 4th, 2004, 12:18 PM
I have seen photographers drape small sandbags over the lens to add mass and dampen vibrations.

There are Canon IS long lenses, btw. But, of course, they're quite pricey.

Tom Fruzynski
June 4th, 2004, 01:12 PM
IS does not work or at least not effectively on a tripod. IS really is for significant up and down or side to side motion in hand holding the lens. I have seen references to modified matte box / bar supports but no first hand user reports as to their effectiveness.

The 100-400 does have 2 types of IS modes but this does not stop the jiggle in attempting to get nesting birds at a distance.

Andrew Burton
June 7th, 2004, 02:25 AM
I'm looking for a camera in the $5-6K range, and I'd really love anyone's suggestions. I really like the JVC GY-DV5000, but I know that the Xl1 is a great camera. Any ideas or suggestions would be very appreciated.

Mark Monciardini
June 7th, 2004, 02:27 PM
I read the XL2 warning on this thread, so we wont be asking any questions, just imagination.

The XL1s is a great camera but I didn't buy it because I wanted the 24p feature with the DVX. But come to find out that I'm not happy with the 60i quality with panasonic, the XL1S beats it. So if canon does make a new one I will probably do my wedding stuff with it.

Anyway, here are my predictions.

1.) it will probably be called somthing else besides the xl2.
2.) There will probably be somthing "diffrent" about it as what all companies like to do. So my guess it will eiter be 24p, HD, 1000 lines resolution or a combintion of these.
3.) Flipout LCD might happen, but might not as it's very difficult to see an LCD screen in daylight, even with a hood.
4.)Exchanagble lens will be the same.
5.) Canon will not make the XL2 at all and get out of the pro market.

What's yours?

Ken Tanaka
June 7th, 2004, 02:42 PM
We have a very long, and long-standing, thread on this very subject HERE ( Please join that discussion.

Jay Dorfman
June 7th, 2004, 03:04 PM
I would like to interview filmMakers, dP'S, directors, gaffers for a short promo I'm producing on the XL-1. I want to speak to people who have crested interesting projects with the camera and who choose the XL-1 over the competition. Any ideas who to speak to?

Rob Lohman
June 8th, 2004, 04:36 AM
I've moved your thread to the general DV forum since you are
looking at different camera's.

The question has been asked a lot of times already so please
take a look around the Open DV discussion forum (see link above)
or do a search in that forum.

The best tip anyone can give you (in my opinion) is to make a list
of which things are a must on a camera and which are nice to
have's. Then you can weigh each camera to your list (including
budget) and make an informed decision by researching the
camera's YOURSELF.

Basically no-one else can do this for you for these reasons:

1) it totally depends on what you want to do with the camera (fiction, ENG, documentary, wedding etc.)

2) it totally depends on which things you find important in a camera (and perhaps accesoires you can get for that camera)

etc. etc. we may be able to guide you, but in the end you have
to make the decision. The more you submerge yourself into all
the details the better you can make a decision for your particular
case and needs.

Good luck.

Jeff Smallwood
June 8th, 2004, 09:33 AM
Another thing that might possibly help your decision would be to go to your closest video store/rental location and play around with them, that seems to help people's decisions along.

Arturo Tapia
June 8th, 2004, 03:38 PM
What would be the best lens setup for shooting exterior, wide shots, in day light situations, mostly in the woods?

Also, what type of images should I expect with the www.xl1solutions adapter with an Angenieux 12-120 lens?

The XL1 will be mounted on a tripod for 99% of the shots. We want to keep all the action happening in front the camera without panning, medium shots, cutting in for close ups, or anything like that. It's a very moody piece, with hardly any dialogue. We are counting on the images to elavate the story for the audience.

Thanks in advance.

Andrei Petrik
June 15th, 2004, 05:43 PM
I am having focusing issues with my XL1s.
So i want to know if its a common thing or are my lenses and camera defective.

When shooting in full manual mode outside, i have the ND filter on and focus on Auto. I experience bad focusing during zoom outs. During slow zooms and fast zooms. The camera doesn't seem to hold the focus.

Whats the problem here?

Andrei Petrik
June 15th, 2004, 05:52 PM
read many other posts as well. seems like this is a common problem. but i got my camera in Dec of 2002.
What do you think it would cost me to get this fixed? and where do i go.... cause i'm in Canada?

Nathan Gifford
June 15th, 2004, 06:52 PM
You might check the Canon website. Some time ago Canon had a web video showing a production company using XL-1 to produce a commercial for Canon.

Nathan Gifford
June 15th, 2004, 07:01 PM
Tons of posts on this. Try Helpful Articles: In and Around the XL1 & XL1S (

I generally stay away from auto focus since it tends to cause more problems than it solves.

Read the articles, and do a search on "soft focus" and see if that starts to answer yor questions. It will certainly help you to ask more precise questions and help you get the info you need.

Chris Hurd
June 15th, 2004, 07:40 PM
See the page "case studies and testimonials (" on the Canon DV site.

Shaggy Franks
June 17th, 2004, 05:06 AM

I found on the page Cinetactics ( some Accessories for Canons XL1s.

I was wondering if anybody has used or has any experience with there Products?
As I understand there Filter-holders work, you slide in the Filters (glass) in to one Holder. Is good or health for the Filters? Also the Price looks very realistic.

If anybody can give me some personal experience with this Product, will be very helpful for me.



Kevin Burnfield
June 17th, 2004, 09:10 AM
we were talking about their MatteBlox product in this thread:

Rob Onekea
June 18th, 2004, 02:28 AM
I am relatively new to the realm of DV production but I do know what I want my end product to look like.

I've been reading posts here about fish eye lenses and distortion, and I want to find out which one would have the cleanest look for say, a music video.

I am using an XL1 right now and just want to find the best for the buck that I can find, hopefully one of you experts here can at least point me in the right direction!


Josh Allen
June 18th, 2004, 09:24 AM
Rob...unfortunately I don't think anyone here has used one on their XL1. We had a discussion about this recently, but no one jumped in with a specific recommendation or experience.

I am thinking about getting the Century Optics fisheye adapter.

Rob Onekea
June 18th, 2004, 02:04 PM
bummer... I'm trying to "cheat" the look of my videos as much as possible without spending major bucks and that lens was one of my options... thanks though

Karen Kowalik
June 18th, 2004, 08:48 PM
Legal videographer. Using the MA 100 adapter & a shure 367 mixer - xlr mic out into the MA 100 - taping in SP with know problems. Taping in LP get audio drop outs. Audio set to 16 bit.

Would prefer to tapein LP. Any ideas appreciated.


Dave Frank
June 22nd, 2004, 10:37 PM
Hi guys. I am in the middle of shooting my feature film and after one of the first shoots, I found out that the headphone jack on my Xl-1s had become damaged. It is bent to the left and pulled out a little. I don't know who did it...and no one seems to know either. The predicament, is that my boom operator cannot hear out of his headphones if the camera gets jostled or moved. It is a real pain and a problem. I just cannot afford to go more than a day or two without my camera for shooting, or the shooting schedule will be screwed. Any suggestions?

...other than switching xl bodies with a friend...because that's not an option.

Rob Lohman
June 23rd, 2004, 01:37 AM
Yes, do it like film teams do it. Record the sound on something
else. I don't know which would be best in such cases but you
can easily get portable DAT or Minidisc recorders etc. Your audio
guy should know what to get and might have extra gear lying
around to connect everything together.

This will put you in the position to make sure audio is rolling as
well as video and you'll need to sync the two up in post. So yes,
it is pretty "inconvenient". But, it does help you around the
problem of the bad port.

An other solution might be to hook up a second small camera
as a slave camera through firewire (this only works with the XL1S
I believe). This camera then records the signal as well and
monitoring can be done on that.

Teague Chrystie
June 23rd, 2004, 12:45 PM
...has been misplaced. I checked the last place I worked with the cord, and my case. No other concievable place it would be. I need to replace it.

Having called a few camera stores, it seems that Canon would consider the part of the power cord (it goes from the pack to the camera too, remember - two-part cord) is considered just that, a 'part,' and I'd be unable to get one through basically anyone but Canon.

Anyone have any suggestions or places to call? eBay, my old best friend (aside from the time I tried to PURCHASE my XL through eBay, which is a long, heartfelt story involving plenty of voodoo), didn't pull through for me.

Even if I WERE to call Canon, I don't know how I'd describe the cord anyway. Gah. I have like three hours in various batteries left, then I'm dead till I get the cord.

Thanks in advance,


Jim Sofranko
June 23rd, 2004, 08:13 PM
Call Canon parts at 1-800-OKCanon and follow the prompts. I recently ordered a really small part and they were very helpful on the phone. It was rather inexpensive for the part as well although it is backordered for several weeks. Give it a try.

Bob Adams
June 25th, 2004, 01:07 AM
I have a 24-70 and 70-200 IS lens. I am considering getting a XL1. Is it ok to use these lens with the XL1 or are there lens which would work better?



Don Palomaki
June 25th, 2004, 04:13 AM
Keep in mind that they will be telephoto, with an effective field of view that corresponds to a lens with 7.2x their focal length on a 35mm still camera.

Ken Saltzman
June 25th, 2004, 09:55 AM
Hola XL1ers.

Long time reader...first time poster.

I've looked high and low for a solution to this problem, but have come up empty.

I use an LCD monitor and a Sennheiser shotgun mic with my XL1s.

Hence, I have no need for the CVF and Canon mic.

I would, however, like an accessory shoe.

Does anyone know of a way...say for instance, a device which attaches to the viewfinder obtain the use of an accessory show without using the CVF?

Actually...I do already know one way...but it doesn't work for me at all. Sima (and various other companies) make L- brackets with shoes which attach via the tripod socket.

But not only do I find these to be extremely unstable...I am constantly taking my camera from a tripod to a stabilizer to my shoulder...and it just doesn't work with that bracket in the way.

So the ammended question - does anyone know ANOTHER way to obtain the use of an accessory shoe?


Chris McKee
June 25th, 2004, 03:53 PM
I just purchased and received a Digital Optics Wide Angle converter 0.5x with 72MM thread:

Attached it to the standard 16x IS II Canon lens (had to remove the hood)... instead of a much wider image, I was disappointed to see that I had almost the exact same field of view! I was under the impression that I would get almost double the view. I'm probably getting about 5-10% more. Was I expecting too much from this lens? Am I doing something wrong? Something wrong with my lens?


Jed Stone
June 26th, 2004, 06:15 AM
On the XL1s I want to mount 3 items on the hotshoe, 6" LCD Monitor, Sennheisser Mic and the Quickstream HDD capture unit, but alas 3 wont go into 1, does anyone know anywhere where you can purchase an extending hotshoe bar/bracket to mount said 3 items across the top?

Jed "Hotshoe challenged" Stone

Jimmy McKenzie
June 26th, 2004, 06:26 AM
There is nothing wrong with your stock lens. These aftermarket, thread on, non zoom through w/a lens add ons seem to come in several variations. Apparently to get the best results from an accessory like this, the price is around 600 bucks. Century?

The description indicates that this is also a macro lens. The 14x manual lens has a macro button that allows the user to touch the subject with the glass and still hold focus. Not cheap, but very pro.

Anyway, the most important accessory I have is the 3x w/a Canon made lens. Yes it is a teeny bit soft on the focus, but when properly lit, the result is perfect.
Non inexpensive, but the image is incredible.