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Yi Fong Yu
February 1st, 2004, 12:48 AM
been playing around with it, it's a neat little thing. v. expensive but i honestly think it was worth every penny. briefly flipping over the manual i notice there's a setting for field of depth. will this truly give you a 35mm look? i haven't had time to experiment.

Frank Granovski
February 1st, 2004, 02:19 AM
Congrats on your new XL1s. For depth of field information, go to articles and click the DOF Skinny link.

Yi Fong Yu
February 1st, 2004, 09:59 PM
thx. =).

Annie Cheatham
February 3rd, 2004, 02:27 AM
I sent my XL1s into the Canon Service Center last week because there was a hot pixel which was showing up on the video. I got the estimate from them today to fix it - close to $900. They say they have to replace the CCD - appx $400 for parts and more than that for labor. Has anyone run into this problem before. Is there any other solution? I had read somewhere that some pixels can be mapped to an ajecent pixel.

Anyway, I just think $900 is a lot for one hot pixel. Just making sure I'm not getting ripped off when there is another solution (besides only shooting in bright light situations). The camera is no longer under warranty by the way. Thanks for any input!

Annie Cheatham

Phil French
February 3rd, 2004, 12:39 PM
Should I be setting the white level for my XL1s manually when I use a polarized filter or is it ok to just use the auto or sunlight setting when I'm shooting outdoors?

Ken Tanaka
February 3rd, 2004, 01:32 PM
Using the daylight preset white balance when using a polarizer will be fine, Phil. (I don't recommend ever using the Auto white balance feature.)

Phil French
February 3rd, 2004, 01:36 PM
Thanks Ken - I think neglecting to set my camera to daylight might have been my problem in a few clips. I can fix in post.

Jaz Garewal
February 4th, 2004, 02:46 PM
Okay, this may be a dumb question, but here it goes:

Is the only difference between the XL 1S and XL 1SE just that the SE is PAL? I am thinking of getting the SE (for the better resolution, and closer to flim fps), and I want to know if I would have to get accessories from Europe or if I could use accessories made purchased in N. America for the XL 1S (i.e. lenses, MA-100 or MA-200 mounts).

Also, anyone have any good recommendations on where to get an XL 1SE?

Thanks all!

Chris Hurd
February 4th, 2004, 03:09 PM
The "E" designation is not part of the standard Canon model nomenclature, but might be used by some advertisers to designate a PAL system (European) version. Although Canon's model number system is different for every other PAL camcorder than make (for instance, the GL2 is the XM2 in PAL system countries), the XL1S is still the XL1S according to Canon.

Many shooters in NTSC countries prefer using PAL system camcorders for the exact reasons you state (higher resolution and 25fps). Most all XL1S accessories are interchangeable between the NTSC and PAL versions, including lenses and XLR adapters.

There are no authorized Canon dealers in the U.S. that can sell the PAL version of the XL1S (the sole exception might be B&H). However any Canon dealer in Australia or England (or Europe) would probably be happy to sell one to you. Keep in mind, PAL system camcorders are not serviced in the U.S. Hope this helps,

Joshua Cohen
February 4th, 2004, 08:27 PM
Hi guys, been a while, but I've got a few questions that I really need some quick answers on.

I bought the sennheiser wireless mic set for my camera. At the moment, the camera isn't picking up anything from the wireless mics. So I thought, ok, maybe I just need to play around with it.

So, to make sure the mic input was working, I took a mic and via XLR, plugged it into the MA-200, like I've done so many times before. For some strange reason, the camera isn't picking up the wired mic. No matter which slot I plug it in to.

I'm going to consult the book, maybe I hit something, and since I didn't think I changed anything for quite some time, I probably forgot how to properly set up the camera for another mic.

Anyways, I was hoping to get some help from you very smart people, in what might be causing this, and how to remedy the situation. I'm going to be needing the camera this coming weekend.


Don Palomaki
February 5th, 2004, 05:30 AM
Many things might not be at the correct setting. Things to check:

Connected to audio input (e.g., Audio1)?
Power connector for MA200 connected?
The audio source selected (e.g., Audio1)?
The audio source set to the proper input sensitivity (mic or mic att best for the MA100/200)?
If manual gain, set to a resonable level.?
Monitoring system (earphones?) gain above zero (watch for indication on meter)?
Earphone jack/meter set to monitor audio source of interest (e.g., ST1)?

Aaron Rosen
February 5th, 2004, 09:54 AM
I had the same problem with mine.

Everything was plugged in correctly and it still did not work.

I restarted my camera and it all worked fine. Donno why.

David Slingerland
February 6th, 2004, 06:41 AM
I will be doing a shoot with to camera's One broadcast camera Ikegami HLDV7 and my trusty old xl1. I want to record the audio from the Ikegami on to the tape of the canon. This might save me a lot of time then doing it in the edit. My knowledge of audio on to the xl1 is slim. Is it possible, will there be any delay problems or later on in the edit? Do you know of any practical setup? I have done this thing with broadcast camera's only so I want to know if the canon can chip in. The timecode lock will not be possible because i think you cannot "slave" the canon. Does this have practical consicences for audio lock?

greetings to you all

Jed Stone
February 7th, 2004, 08:31 AM
Well today has arrived the 7" teletest monitor and the vari zoom VZ Pol L, and what a difference, The focusing is now so much easier with the LCD, And with the elimination of movement when zooming and focusing the footage is rock solid, I should have got these a lot earlier. I cannot recommend them enough (No I don't work for them) I hunted around and found in an old second hand camera shop a hotshoe extender bar, with 3 hotshoes on it, So I now have the mic, floodlight and LCD on it, weighs a ton now, best nip down the gym for some weighlifting. These items were purchased after advice from some of our readers, thanks to them this site is priceless


Jed "Happy little bunny now" Stone

David Slingerland
February 7th, 2004, 01:40 PM
I think people dont understand my question. Is it possible for the canon to record audio from another camera WITHOUT a mixer to give line out?. I think it is not possible but need to know for sure. I cant do a test because I dont have the other camera yet. anybody?

Don Palomaki
February 7th, 2004, 02:50 PM
There are some differences between the XL1 and XL1s, the XL1s has a few more audio-related features.

The XL1 can record audio from a consumer line level source (e.g., -10 dBV) or mic level sources via the Audio1 input during original capture. It is not configured to allow audio dub later.

I believe that the XL1s model does allow audio dub latter if you used12-bit, 2-channel audio recording mode during original taping.

Hector Rodriguez
February 10th, 2004, 07:01 PM
First, Thank-you for taking your time to read this note.
I have the Canon XL1S and also got the wireless Mic Sony UWP-C1 and not able to get a sound on the camera, I have read the instruction a thousand times, but they sound like chinese to me, Sorry, but I'm new on this camera, if some one could help me telling me the exact setting that I should use on the camera,, I'm planing to use both mics, the one that the camera has, and the wireless, please, I will appreciate any help.


Nathan Gifford
February 11th, 2004, 12:23 PM
It depends on how you use your system. If you are using 16 bit audio mode you will need to switch to Audio 1 and connect your mic to the audio 1 inputs.

12 bit audio reduces audio resolution but allows you to use 4 audio sources simultaneously. You can then use the on board mic and run the wireless into audio 2 inputs. Be aware that not all editing packages will allow you to use 4-track (12 bit). However, there is a package called Scenalyzer ( that will let you merge the audio with most NLEs.

Dirk Vanfleet
February 17th, 2004, 03:43 AM
Is there a way to use the Sekonic Studio Deluxe II L-398M light meter with an XL1s?

If we assume 1/60 shutter speed and 30 fps frame mode, it would mean an assumed shutter speed of 180 degrees. I believe.

But ASA/ISO = ?

Rob Lohman
February 17th, 2004, 04:24 AM
XL1 ASA rating, part 1 (
XL1 ASA rating, part 2 (

Also see these threads:

Please take the time to read through this information, thank you.

Afonso Campos
February 17th, 2004, 08:25 AM
After I import video I get jittery lines around my image... I've rendered my film and it still has the jittery lines around.

you can see what i mean on

What exactly is this and how can I avoid them when I shoot with my XL1s next time? Thanks

Rob Lohman
February 18th, 2004, 04:09 PM
First of all you have your preview set to bad quality. Choose
best (full) and then hit the "save snapshot to file" button in
Vegas and put that picture up.

I'm not really seeing anything that I would classify as jitterylines.
Jittery implies motion which ofcourse there isn't in a still. It looks
like some parts are just slightly over exposed.

Did you shoot in interlaced or frame mode?

Maurizio Panella
February 19th, 2004, 07:27 AM
Hi all, I'd like to know if is possible to use this light on xl1 and what is the result in general and with the NPF960 battery.
Thanks in advance, Maurizio.

Bill Tombs
February 22nd, 2004, 07:27 PM
Am I on the right track for wedding videography playtoys? 2 XL1s, 1-GL-1 backup, Pinnicle DV-500 hardware inputs/outputs, Adobe 6.5, Custom rocketship computer. Haven't purchased wireless mics yet. Made a huge score on Ebay for a 2500.00 Elmo for 350.00 for photo montages.

Edward Troxel
February 22nd, 2004, 09:37 PM
Not too fond of the Pinnacle hardware but the rest doesn't sound bad. I use up to 3 XL-1 cameras, standard OHCI firewire card, and Vegas.

Stefano Sarfati Nahmad
February 23rd, 2004, 04:48 AM
Hello everyone,
i interviewed a person who was speaking in the lavalier (Senn. ew122p). i was making the questions behind the camera speaking in a shotgun (Senn. ME66). Both connected to an MA-100.
What i got is the sound in the shotgun is much higher than the lav.
When i played the footage the sound from the shotgun was good (much room sound but i expected that) and the voice in the lav was so law that i had to turn the TV volume to the top. the person had the lav mic close to his mouth (pinned to jacket right under his chin).
Audio level was set to automatic.
Question is: did this happen because of the automatic audio level ? Is automatic audio level the same for L & R channel or is it independent for the two channels?
I have two ew122p lav kits and i regreat i didn't use them both instead of the shotgun.
Thank you in advanced for any help.

Don Palomaki
February 23rd, 2004, 05:07 AM
Auto level probably effects both channels (it is a stereo input on the XL1). The lav mic in the EW122P is only slightly less sensitive than the ME66, but how the lav is setup with the transmitter and receiver in your system could make a major difference. Best to chack and balance levels before a shoot. And manual allways gives better control over levels than auto, but then you do have to ride levels

Stefano Sarfati Nahmad
February 23rd, 2004, 05:18 AM
Thanks Don,
also, some noise was coming from strong street traffic outside the window which was recorded by the shotgun and not at all by the lav.
I gather that if i have a higher sound down one channel, auto sound level attenuates both L & R channels. Is that right?

Alani Heredia
February 23rd, 2004, 02:05 PM
im looking for a place to buy a new camera and forgot the website that tells you the scammers from the real pepole. can anyone tell me the site?

also has anyone ever orderd from
i saw some prices that are too good to be true there.


Robert Knecht Schmidt
February 23rd, 2004, 02:09 PM
Click the sponsors link in any of us Wranglers' signatures for those stores which recommends as the most trustworthy and competitive.

G. Randy Brown
February 24th, 2004, 11:11 AM
I'll be doing a two cam shoot (both XL1s' of course : ) of a "mock" car crash. I'd like to have your opinions on shutter speeds etc.(one cam probably set up close (but not to close) to the side of the crash which I'll probably use as slo-mo and one from behind/to the side of the car. My question is, for this much movement what would your settings be (you only have one take). I have shot sporting events and the rendered 50% slo-mo was a little too soft.

Nick Hiltgen
February 25th, 2004, 01:53 AM
I've never shot a car crash. Hell, I've only been in two and those were both slow speed so take this with a grain of salt. If you're going to use slow mo You'll want a fast shutter spped but you'll notice that you lose light as a result of it. I say shoot with the fastest shutter speed possible because you will get a chrisper look. Now ither settings will very depending on the script, and how the shot is set up and is planned to work out. best of luck and remember that it might be worth getting a little bit worse shot if you have to be far enough away to keep your camera from getting smashed.

David Rosche
February 25th, 2004, 06:51 AM
Dear friends. I wonder if any one can tell me weather it is possible or not to record program from TV into Cassette on XL1s.
Many thx to all of you.David

G. Randy Brown
February 25th, 2004, 08:37 AM
>>remember that it might be worth getting a little bit worse shot if you have to be far enough away to keep your camera from getting smashed.<<<

True, I have the extender lens so as long as I'm smart enough to judge what distance is safe... : )
I've given this some thought since I posted and I'm thinking the thing to do is to find out from the client what speed they plan for the car to be going upon impact and then do some tests by having my drivers - ed - taking daughter to drive by in front of our house for me to test different shutter speeds....hmmm, now where's that insurance card and my extender?...
Thanks Nick,

Chris Hurd
February 25th, 2004, 10:51 AM
Yes it is, at least on NTSC models, as detailed on page 88 of the NTSC manual under the heading "Recording from a VCR, TV or Analog Camera (Analog Line-in)." As you are down under in PAL land, you should consult the manual for the PAL model XL1S. Hope this helps,

Sjef Beekmans
February 26th, 2004, 08:09 PM
Can anyone tell me what the best setup, and cost efficient I might add, to setup the XL1 to record uninterrupted footage ( hours and hours). I am thinking using the firewire with a laptop, does it work or are there better and cheaper alternatives?

Let me know.

Thanks a million.


Don Palomaki
February 26th, 2004, 08:53 PM
If the laptop can capture from the XL1 it should work. Just do not put a tape in the XL1 and have a good power source tht cvan power both the lkaptop and camcorder for as long as you need.

Your capture will be limited by the storage available on the laptop and may be limited by the capture software you are using, and the laptop operating system as well.

Darryl Knickrehm
February 28th, 2004, 04:23 AM
I am considering buying a miniDV Camera with the intention of making short films. I was wondering which would be the right choice: Canon XL1SE (PAL) with a Nikon lens or a DVX100A. But Ifve been able to see any clips or footage from either camera and was wondering if anyone with either camera could give some advice or shows some clips. Well, herefs the two setups Ifm comparing:

Canon XL1SE with Nikon Lens
This is an older camera and has less pixels produced by the CCD's. I've read somewhere that the PAL version produces around 310,000 though. And also it shoots at 25fps which is very close to 24fps. I was wondering if this footage has a similar look as 24p camera or film. I am also thinking of using the mechanical Nikon Lens mount to use Nikon lenses with it. Now I know there is a 7.2x magnification (well, actually as I understand it, its actually because the image produced by the lens is bigger than the CCD chip, so actually only the image at the center of the lens is being captured, resulting in the appearance of a 7.2x magnification) But I have a .25x fisheye wide angle adapter, and if I put that on, it would make the lenses back within useable range (say a 24mm lens turns into a 173mm equivalent lens, and then with the .25x adapter its back to a 43mm equivalent lens) Also, I was wondering how this setup would compare with using a Nikon lens on the P+S Tecnik 35 Mini adapter. (would it look as good and get similar DOF and contrast)

Panasonic DVX100a
This is a new camera and has a 410,000 pixel count and has a nice gamma system which resembles film (but that could be done in post canft it?). It also shoots at 24p, and I've heard it looks great! But the lens is not changeable. How shallow of a DOF can be achieved with this lens?

--So I was wondering which setup would pull off a more cinematic look (24fps feel and a shallow DOF) Any help, advice or clips from either camera would be great!!

Gretta Wing Miller
February 28th, 2004, 11:49 AM
finding MA100/200 and XL-1 internal preamp to be hissy as mic level, so we are considering using a preamp to go line level into audio 1; is there one which can be used, very mobile, w/XL-1 on shoulder? Battery powered, attaches to camera, etc?
thanks, gretta

Gino Terribilini
February 29th, 2004, 06:03 PM
Does anybody know a creative way to mount the CH-910 onto the XL1s without the use of the MA-100 mounting bracket? I bought an MA-100, but it didn't come with one, so i'm kind of puzzled at this point. If you have any ideas, it would definately help. Thanks!

Gino Terribilini

Gino Terribilini
February 29th, 2004, 06:40 PM
Is there a big performance difference between Canon BP-945s and x-brand fakes? Does anybody have an imitation 945 they have had problems with? Any problems i should know about?

Gino Terribilini

Cosmin Rotaru
March 1st, 2004, 09:16 AM
You can find allot of topics on batteries here... I have some x-brand 945 (I don't remember the firm) and it's good. It was about 50$. I boughted about half year ago and I had no problem so far.

Henry Fusco
March 1st, 2004, 12:51 PM
I have an skp 100 transmitter and I want an all around mic. Mostly used for interviews but some live performance.

John Randolph
March 1st, 2004, 03:28 PM
Hi. I'm new to your board.

I'm recently got a used XL1 and i can't find a bad thing to say about it. I love it.

I'm beginning a job with a friend of mine to shoot weekly TV spots and house tours.

I'm wondering what quick lighting accessories would be useful. Also what filters would be good for shooting room interiors.


Rob Lohman
March 2nd, 2004, 03:33 AM
I did a search ( for you and located these threads:

Don Palomaki
March 2nd, 2004, 05:16 AM
Vocals? the Shure SM-58 is very popular as a stage performer mic. The cardoid pattern helps reduce feedback problems and pickup of audience nosie.

Jimmy McKenzie
March 2nd, 2004, 02:41 PM
Don is absolutely right. The sennheiser handheld that is similar will work fine as well, and to get the best use out of your transmitter you can dial in the sensitivity to match the amount of ambient noise you need to cancel.
Non ferrous mikes should be avoided as the transmitter uses the body of the mic as an antenna.

Jacques Mersereau
March 4th, 2004, 08:32 AM
I have a Beachtek DXA-6 adapter that works on both XL1 and VX2K.
It's more expensive than the DXA-4, but the 4 does NOT
provide phantom power (needed for high end microphones).

The DXA-6 is a bit big and blocky, but I've been very happy with
it and the results.

Shaggy Franks
March 4th, 2004, 02:56 PM

I was wondering, does anybody have
a 3D Model of the XL1s?

Maya would be cool :)



Jeremy Swizek
March 4th, 2004, 11:35 PM
has anyone used a 2 camera setup with am digital dv mixer. Is there a way to bypas the recorders on the cameras and either go straight into hard drive or to the jvc dv deck?