View Full Version : hello from the Big O (Osaka, Japan)

Rik Sanchez
April 12th, 2002, 01:26 PM
To sound like a broken record, I'm also from Texas (El Paso) and have been out here in Osaka for the last 11 years. A friend was running the video monitors(video toaster with hi-8 and vhs decks) in a big nightclub here and got me into video helping him out filming fashion shows and other club events. Started out with a VX-1, then a VX-1000 and now for the last year and a half with a Canon XL-1. I just started doing video full time last May, before that it was part time when ever I had the chance since I worked full time at a japanese company.

A lof of stuff I shot was of my friends events - DJ parties, fashion, dance(butoh, traditional japanese and a sort of modern dance style with video projections, robots, noise musicians and anarchy thrown into the mix).

Also been shooting a lot of japanese underground bands and making promotional videos of different club events - gothic, tattoo/piercing, bondage, club openings, hair/makeup shows, kimonos shows.)

My steady income comes from weddings, I shoot them for a big wedding company here. In the middle of downtown Osaka (Namba area) on the rooftop garden they have weddings, a very nice setting, nice for Japan that is. I've shot some at other locations and have seen those companies video guys and they all use Betacams. Haven't seen any other Xl-1's.

Thanks for having this site, I'm learning a lot these last few days since I first checked it out. Getting hooked, been logging on when I get up and before I go to bed, right now it's 4am, just got back from a club, got to stop reading for now and get some sleep, look forward to talking with people and exchanging information. Take it easy.

Vic Owen
April 12th, 2002, 10:07 PM
Welcome aboard. Great name, although I imagine chorizo is a little hard to find in Japan, especially the Tex-Mex variety. (Chorizo sushi?) This is a great bunch on these boards, and you'll have a lot of fun, while at the same time picking up useful tips from some pretty heavy hitters.


Rob Lohman
April 13th, 2002, 04:04 AM

Welcome aboard! It sounds like your XL1 is getting quite a
workout in your hands! You'll find a board full of information
here (as you have already discovered). I also check these
boards at least twice a day if possible. Otherwise there are
two much new posts anyway. There are also a couple of
people from your region here.

See you around!

Adrian Douglas
April 14th, 2002, 09:45 AM
Sure are Rik,

If you find yourself in Tokyo/Yokohama drop me or John Locke a line, we're always keen for a beer and a chin wag

Rik Sanchez
April 14th, 2002, 10:18 AM
thanks for the welcome guys,
Adrian, I sent an email to John a couple of days ago, look forward to heading up there, I was up there last December in Shibuya for one night shooting a corset fashion show, and I'll be up there this summer. Here is a link to a friend's website, did some videos of his events here in Osaka,

Still haven't mastered putting up web video so excuse the bad quality.

If you can get a hold of the January issue of JapanZine(, there are photos from one of the events and there is a photo of me shooting with the XL-1.

Have you seen some interesting stuff on there.

If you or John ever come down south, I'll buy the first round.

Adrian Douglas
April 15th, 2002, 12:02 AM

Once John gets here and gets himself sorted, we'll try to out togeather some sort of DV group. I know a couple of others who are interested so we'll keep you up to daye on whats happening. Good to have someone from another part of Japan to spread things out a bit.

John Locke
May 10th, 2002, 02:55 AM
I've been meaning to tell you, Rik...I crack up every time I see your nickname, "chorizosmells" BUT I've gotta admit...I think it smells good! I luuv chorizo!

I grew up in Texas...and chorizo and eggs was my standard breakfast. Guess you, me, and Adrian better find a place in Tokyo or Osaka that can serve up a genuine Mexican meal (or Tex-Mex, New-Mex, or Cal-Mex). That alone would be worth the move.

Rik Sanchez
May 10th, 2002, 10:23 AM
I know what you mean about chorizo, I love it also, haven't had it in 4 years. we had some spanish chorizo in March when we went there but it's not the same, theirs is really a sausage. I actually got the name from my dad, he was a poet and one of his books was called "HechizoSpells". He would jokingly call it "ChorizoSmells" so and I ended up using it as my moniker when I shoot video. Plus being a Chicano from Texas also ties in with the name.

One day I'll freeze some and bring it with me, a friend did that with Tamales, froze a bunch of them and he had a party in Kobe and I ate about 13 of them, they came from a place in East L.A., the best Tamales in L.A. It's hard to find good Mexican food here, let me know if there is a good place in Tokyo. Right now I'm trying to make it up there to Tokyo the weekend of June 15th.

I'll send you guys an email when I know for sure.

Adrian Douglas
May 10th, 2002, 09:45 PM
That'd be great Rik, looking forward to it.

Rik Sanchez
May 29th, 2002, 10:05 AM
I'll up there sunday, june 16th, are you guys free that night to get together? let me know. Actually get there saturday morning but I'll be free sunday afternoon/night. Look forward to hanging out.