Harry Doyle
October 19th, 2003, 11:19 PM
hello everybody,
i've been around for a few months now, decided it's finally time to make an obligatory 'getting to know you' post.
not having a clue about video or photography at all, i got my first dv cam (panasonic pvdv601k) in december 2001 on a bit of a whim, and became somewhat obsessed with skateboard filming (er, videoing). armed with my trusty single chip pana and a couple of cheap fisheyes, i finished my first project exactly one year after i bought the camera, doing a vhs release of 200. so don't be discouraged if you have a plain old consumer camera - if you love something then dive right in! since selling out of vhs copies, i have freely distributed it over the internet and if you would like to download it (190mb), please get in touch with me through this board.
since then, i saved up and bought a canon gl2 and the infamous century optics death lens. i used to work in an all-mac web shop, but switched to windows because i found it cheaper and more convenient. i use premiere 6.5, which i find does the job, albeit unpleasently at times.
i live in sydney, cape breton, where i know about five people with dv cams.
this board is superb and one of the best around. i'm hesitant to say it is THE best because the people over at bob's acl board would have to tie chris and the gang for being nice guys. i am about a year post op from a full acl tear and reconstruction (skateboarding) but am glad to say i am back on a board, with my gl2 never too far away.
i am one credit away from a math degree, and i'm a database programmer by trade, although currently unemployed.
if i have anything to offer this board, it is likely my knowledge and experience with cheap fisheye lenses. i've owned a few decent ones and a few real stinkers.
i work on a site dedicated to skateboarding in cape breton at http://skate.cblocals.com
i've been around for a few months now, decided it's finally time to make an obligatory 'getting to know you' post.
not having a clue about video or photography at all, i got my first dv cam (panasonic pvdv601k) in december 2001 on a bit of a whim, and became somewhat obsessed with skateboard filming (er, videoing). armed with my trusty single chip pana and a couple of cheap fisheyes, i finished my first project exactly one year after i bought the camera, doing a vhs release of 200. so don't be discouraged if you have a plain old consumer camera - if you love something then dive right in! since selling out of vhs copies, i have freely distributed it over the internet and if you would like to download it (190mb), please get in touch with me through this board.
since then, i saved up and bought a canon gl2 and the infamous century optics death lens. i used to work in an all-mac web shop, but switched to windows because i found it cheaper and more convenient. i use premiere 6.5, which i find does the job, albeit unpleasently at times.
i live in sydney, cape breton, where i know about five people with dv cams.
this board is superb and one of the best around. i'm hesitant to say it is THE best because the people over at bob's acl board would have to tie chris and the gang for being nice guys. i am about a year post op from a full acl tear and reconstruction (skateboarding) but am glad to say i am back on a board, with my gl2 never too far away.
i am one credit away from a math degree, and i'm a database programmer by trade, although currently unemployed.
if i have anything to offer this board, it is likely my knowledge and experience with cheap fisheye lenses. i've owned a few decent ones and a few real stinkers.
i work on a site dedicated to skateboarding in cape breton at http://skate.cblocals.com