View Full Version : Shutter speed and film transfers?

Neill Dela Llana
October 15th, 2003, 01:18 PM
How will a film transfer be affected if I shoot in 24PA with shutter speed high and edit in true 24 fps ? Will there still be motion blur as found on NTSC and PAL cameras shot with high shutter speed?

Or is what I see on the monitor what I get when I output to film? Thanks for any replies!

Frank Granovski
October 15th, 2003, 01:39 PM
You should contact the trasfer lab you will be using to see what they recommend.

Don Donatello
October 20th, 2003, 01:58 PM
the higher the shutter speed the less motion blur .. most houses will tell you not to shoot higher then 1/60th unless you are using it for effects...

film camera's running 24fps have shutter speed 1/48th of sec ...

film projectors have 3 bladed shutters that break up the light 3 times for each frame = 72 flashes of light per second - we don't see it ( persistence of vision) ...

your monitor doesn't have the 72 pulses so not sure if viewing same 24fps clip would be same on monitor and big screen ??
i would say they are NOT the same as many complain about the jerkyness of 24fps on a computer screen but never complain about viewing 24fps on the BIG screen at movie theater ( but lets not forget about the 72 flashes) ??