Barry Gilbert
October 15th, 2003, 07:48 PM
I was thinking about having some pamphlets printed and wondered if it would be a good idea to put them out where the ladies purchase their gowns as well as other places. (Suggestions?)
Does anybody use them?
How much information do you attempt to put on them?
Do you ever offer the owners of the dress shop any money to make sure they get a copy of the pamphlets?
What printer do you use, local, internet?
I just want to get my name in the mix as quickly as possible but don't want to be too pushy. I can't do a website just yet. Maybe soon.
Thanks in advance.
Adrian Douglas
October 15th, 2003, 11:06 PM
Barry, I guess you are talking about advertising your services for wedding videos?
Approach some wedding photographers, many people will often ask if they could recommend a good videographer. Giving your pamphlets to the local churches/wedding celebraints would also be a good idea.
As for what information, what you offer/prices and contact info would be the two most important things I would think.
John Locke
October 16th, 2003, 01:00 AM
Some people will check the wedding announcements in the local paper and send them a brochure, or go to the county office that handles wedding certificates and get a list of applicants (catching them earlier that way).
Putting brochures at major jewelers on the engagement and wedding ring counter would catch them at the earliest.
Adrian's idea of getting in cahoots with local wedding photographers is good...that way you guys could work together rather than being at odds with one another.
And offering to do a brief promo for the wedding dress shop that would be looped continuously and on display (and slyly includes your logo and contact info) couldn't hurt.
J. Clayton Stansberry
October 16th, 2003, 09:43 AM
Also, give your pamphlet to the local DJ's and take some of his cards as Adrian and John said it is good to get to know the photographer and DJ so everyone is looking out for one another and helping each other make the wedding and reception as smooth as possible.
Barry Gilbert
October 16th, 2003, 08:15 PM
Sorry for not being more clear. Yes sir, I am talking about services for wedding videos. Just wanted to say thanks for the ideas. Some I would not have thought of. :)