View Full Version : Exposure Question For the VX

G. Lee Gordon
October 15th, 2003, 12:10 AM
I am a new VX2000 owner and I have a question for you veteran users. I recently did a shoot and noticed that my VX had trouble adjusting the light exposure. It was an indoor shoot and every time I zoomed in, the camera went black! As I slowly panned out it would eventually refocus into a crystal clear shot. I am assuming that such an awesome camera couldn't possibly have such a flaw so, what am I doing wrong? Is there some auto exposure button that I need to push?

Bryan Beasleigh
October 15th, 2003, 03:04 AM
In full zoom the VX2K lens is F2.4, mid to wide it's F1.6. If you were wide open and max gain you could experience the situation you describe. That would have to be a pretty dark room.

Tom Hardwick
October 15th, 2003, 04:16 AM
Bryan's right, though the camera is only f1.6 at the full wide end. The lens loses speed gradually, so that at full tele it's down to f2.4. Using 'Display' on replay makes it look as if the camera remains at f1.6 for longer than it does - but this is only because the display reads to the nearest half stop.


G. Lee Gordon
October 15th, 2003, 09:53 AM
So, what are some techniques to prevent that from happening?

Tom Hardwick
October 15th, 2003, 10:14 AM
You cannot prevent it from happening as it's design intent. If you're in fully auto mode and the room is dark enough to need f1.6 maximum aperture and +18dB of electronic amplification of the signal, then zooming to telephoto will mean that you'd have to triple the amount of light in the room just to get the same exposure on tape.

Ergo: If it's dark, remove all converter lenses and filters, make sure the ND is out of the way, then zoom to max wide angle. In this mode your camcorder will see where few have seen before it. It'll see in the dark better than your own eyes.
