View Full Version : A great confusion about Frame/Progressive mode
Alex Zabrovsky October 13th, 2003, 05:23 AM There seems to be a great confusion among users agruing about their cams abilities to shoot in aka-progressive mode called Frame mode by manufacturers.
Thanks to a fellow on some other List, I was directed to a link that may clarify our doubts:
Would be glad to hear people's opinion about that (have a few questiosn opened by this article) and lets get rid of our illusion Frame is a progressive, cause it is not even though have certain similarities at the output.
Jeff Donald October 13th, 2003, 06:26 AM The PDF you linked to is a reprint of an article written by DV Info moderator Steve Mullen. The article was first published in August, 2002 issue of Broadcast Systems, shortly after the DVX100 was announced. Those were the early days of the DVX100 and the gaps in the articles information can now be filled in. I'm sure Steve would be happy to answer any questions as well as DVX100 forum co-moderator Stephen van Vuuren.
Alex Zabrovsky October 13th, 2003, 07:36 AM Oh great to know I'm in the right place... :-)
Sorry "beating dead horse", but for me it is a revelation.
Do you mean the article hasn't been complete and may not 100% convey the technology covered ?
Is there a full/updated version of such ?
THough I'm not personally related to DVX100 (another league indeed :-) ) I'll be posting to DVX100 board as you suggested since still have certain points to be clarified.
Thanks, Alex
Jeff Donald October 13th, 2003, 09:15 AM At the time Steve wrote that article, Panasonic had not disclosed final details on the camera and it had not shipped yet.
Alex Zabrovsky October 13th, 2003, 09:27 AM Ok, but that would only be related to DVX100, right ? The principle has remained as stated therein, am I wrong ?
I'm just trying to clear up my understanding of Frame mode incorporated in GS100 (and other relevant cams) to avoid the major confusion between it and true progressive mode.
Regards, Alex
Jeff Donald October 13th, 2003, 04:20 PM Steve's article basically relates to the DVX100. Other cameras or manufactures could implement their own version of progressive video. If you have questions specific to your model of camera, it is best to ask the question relative to your model.
Stephen van Vuuren October 13th, 2003, 04:47 PM DV Magazine was taken the article out of their archive:
Here's the blurb on
The article was the Technicial Difficulties Nov 2000 called "Frames and Fields"...
Stephen van Vuuren October 13th, 2003, 04:53 PM Here it is in Russian:
Use to translate webpage.
Alex Zabrovsky October 14th, 2003, 03:02 AM Thanks Stephen. The access to the article via his FAQ section as you advised is blocked, so I sent and query to Adam asking about availability of the artcle for reading.
Couldn't get to Russian one either - link appears to be broken (BTW, wouldn't need a translation - I'm native Russian speaker though immigrated out of USSR 13 years ago :-), but nevertheless always prefer reading original if written in an accessable language.
Regards, Alex
Stephen van Vuuren October 14th, 2003, 04:30 AM
Try it again - it works fine for me.
Alex Zabrovsky October 14th, 2003, 04:59 AM Yeah, thansk now its working, souds to be quite a comprehensive resourse...
regards, Alex