View Full Version : Lady X Films - Open Call
Ken Tanaka October 11th, 2003, 12:08 AM The Lady X Films project has been extremely popular. Although the series is technically "booked" we have decided to offer up to THREE additional filmmakers the opportunity to submit an episode for the series. Here are the basic terms of the offer.
(1) We will select up to three new episode proposals. Prospective producers must send a COMPLETED SCRIPT to by 11:59pm Chicago time (4:59am GMT), Friday, October 24, 2003. The script must meet the basic series guidelines as set forth in the Entry Kit ( WE CAN ONLY CONSIDER EPISODE PROPOSALS THAT ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A COMPLETED SCRIPT. The script need not be in perfect Hollywood screenwriters' format but it must clearly be in script form (ex: scenes, dialogue and action clearly denoted) and cover the all of your episode's story details. No "brief outlines" or "concept papers", please.
(2) We will consider and accept scripts in the order in which we receive them. Scripts will be judged on the basis of their consistency with the Lady X Films series guidelines, and our assessment of the producer's ability to actually deliver a completed episode of the script by the submission deadline. We will make our selections and notify all applicants no later than Friday, October 31, 2003.
(3) Each new producer accepted into the series will have to submit a completed Conditions for Participation agreement (as with all other producers in the series) within 48 hours of being accepted. The form is contained in the Entry Kit, noted above.
(4) The deadline for our receipt of each completed episode will be Monday, December 15, 2003. THIS IS A FIRM DEADLINE AND WE WILL NOT SCREEN ANY EPISODE RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE.
(5) Each episode will be given a "marquee" week during which it is featured on the Lady X Films site's main page, just as all other episodes have been featured, and will be treated as part of the regular series.
So, if you've been waiting for an opportunity to take part in the Lady X Films series, now may be your chance. Yes, the deadlines of this opportunity are tight and will be strictly enforced. But such conditions often bring out the best in truly creative minds.
Good luck to you!
-Ken Tanaka-
Co-Executive Producer
Lady X Films
Kevin Maistros October 11th, 2003, 06:24 AM Thanks for the opportunity. I'll be sure to try and get in on this.
Kevin Maistros October 11th, 2003, 10:35 AM HAHA, I just noticed my clothing company was already in one of the Lady-X films. Episode 10, the Fiction Clothing Fbox shirt on the black guy. How random.
Keith Loh October 11th, 2003, 12:49 PM Sue!
Chris Hurd October 12th, 2003, 01:26 AM What a co-inkydink!
Bryan Mitchell October 14th, 2003, 05:03 PM I only have 10 days left to write this!!!!
:: Opens final draft / paces around pool thinking ::
edit: I think filming in my home town - Las Vegas - could make for a great episode.
Brian Huey October 17th, 2003, 02:42 PM So are you waiting until the all scripts are received and reviewed before deciding which three or is it going to be the first three scripts received and approved get the slots?
The "We will consider and accept scripts in the order in which we receive them" line is what's causing the question.
Thanks for the opportunity
Bryan Mitchell October 17th, 2003, 03:00 PM I too was thinking the very same thing because of the very same thing.
Brian Huey October 17th, 2003, 04:08 PM Great Bri(y)ans/minds think alike! Well, at least similar minds think alike...
Ken Tanaka October 17th, 2003, 10:42 PM The deadline dates, above, remain intact at this time. (We have already had one script submission.)
We may assign an episode or two before the October 24th application deadline, but at least one episode will remain open through October 24.
We will give preference to earlier applications. For example, if two episode slots are still open and we have three good scripts we will assign the slots to the earliest two we received.
Update: We have had a very late cancellation today (Episode 22) and we have two others that appear to be in great doubt of delivery. Consequently, we will probably accept more than three new episodes. (We have not yet had an opportunity to discuss the exact number.) So your chances of getting into the series are even better today than they were earlier this week. Put your imagination helmets on and start writing!
We will keep you informed here of any changes or further updates.
Dylan Couper October 18th, 2003, 12:25 AM Is this offer open to people that have already produced a Lady X film?
Just out of curiosity.
Ken Tanaka October 18th, 2003, 01:10 AM Nope. Sorry, Dylan. We really want to give new folks an opportunity.
Bryan Mitchell October 18th, 2003, 01:41 AM I'm really hoping to get a spot in this thing. I'm really excited. Still working on my script. Really excited about the extra openings too. Thanks for keeping everyone updated on the open call.
Bryan Mitchell October 24th, 2003, 01:01 AM I just finished my script, so its revisions and preproduction from here on, assuming I get a spot. Do I just email the script? In the kit, it talked about another web form with address information and stuff, but I was unable to locate it.
Ken Tanaka October 24th, 2003, 01:27 AM Bryan,
Good! Yes, please just email your script to the address above. Don't worry about the Web form.
Ronnie Grahn October 24th, 2003, 09:13 AM *Ehum*
Just a little note, Episode 23 isn't cancelled... You must have meant Episode 22. :)
Bryan Mitchell October 24th, 2003, 10:25 AM Another question.
I wrote my script in final draft 6.
What format would you like the script sent to you in? I'd imagine its probably either .fdr or pdf.
Also "Conditions for Participation (MUST BE SCANNED & E-MAILED, FAXED, OR MAILED TO US BEFORE YOUR SCRIPT SUBMISSION DATE)" Do I need to fax this over before I send the script?
Ken Tanaka October 24th, 2003, 11:41 AM Please send your script as a .PDF if possible.
No, for this "open call" you will not need to submit a CFP until you're officially notified that you're in the series.
Ronnie: Indeed, my stupid error. It is episode 22 that dropped out. We're eagerly looking forward to you Episode 23 from Sweden! Sorry. Me shtupa.
Brian Huey October 24th, 2003, 03:53 PM Ken, I only have Acrobat Reader would a Word document work? Or maybe a .RTF (wordpad) document?
Ack! what am I doing here? Got to get back to writing!
Ken Tanaka October 24th, 2003, 04:03 PM An RTF document will be fine. Get back to work!
Bryan Mitchell October 24th, 2003, 06:13 PM Lol. I finally finished my first draft a day ago... but I have to make this great before you guys see it. I'm now working on my third draft right now, then I'm going to send it on over. So far, the two major people I'll be working with love it. But then again, they may be biased :)
Brian Huey October 24th, 2003, 06:27 PM I best wrap up quick then so I get preferential treatment! =) *Turns on the some faster music* There we go...
Couse I don't know how you could ever choose between Bri/yans, but if you do have to I have a higher post count, heh heh!
Lets show'em what we can do Bryan!
Bryan Mitchell October 24th, 2003, 08:01 PM Sent. Good luck with your submission. Mabye we will both get a spot :)
Brian Huey October 24th, 2003, 09:02 PM Beaten by an hour, if only the website/essay ploy had worked!
Hopefully there's slots for both of us, now time to kick back and relax.
Bryan Mitchell October 25th, 2003, 09:52 PM Relax? I'm running around my house and checking my email every four minutes waiting to find out if I got a spot :-p
Mabye I'm exagerating a little :) but it sure does seam like a lot longer than about 21 hours since my submission.
Ken Tanaka October 25th, 2003, 10:12 PM It will take us at least a couple of days to make our final selections, as some of us are unavailable this weekend. We did receive your submissions Bryan and Brian.
Bryan Mitchell October 27th, 2003, 09:44 PM I was just running the numbers, and there are actually about 60 Brians and 20 Bryans on this site. 1.3% of the users on here are named Br(i/y)an. I didn't know there were this many other brYan's out there, as I've never actually met one :)
Chris Hurd October 27th, 2003, 10:09 PM At this point in time we have 55 Brians and 25 Bryans, to be exact. There are 97 Steve's, but when it comes to Chris there are 132.
I have my own Lady X script idea, central Texas style. I have the money, the gear, the people but unfortunately not the time. If this thing happens again next year, I'm taking a couple weeks off and going ahead with it.
Without giving too much away, my Lady X episode would be done Sam Peckinpah style. Heh.
Bryan Mitchell October 27th, 2003, 10:24 PM :) I really wanted to write my script so that I could direct it like the old batman episodes with adam west. "POW!" "BOOM!" "CRASH" but I couldn't find any of them on dvd to watch and study up. So I couldn't go that direction. But I am very pleased with my script and the direction I did go in.
Bryan Mitchell October 31st, 2003, 09:06 PM We will make our selections and notify all applicants no later than Friday, October 31, 2003
Just wondering if tonight is still the night. If not, no problem. Have a happy halloween.
Ken Tanaka October 31st, 2003, 09:53 PM It is.
Brian Huey November 1st, 2003, 03:55 AM It is???
Confused for both me and Bryan (granted I'm a bit on the tippsy side but I don't know if I qualified) any info would be appreciated.
Thanks for the input,
Ken Tanaka November 1st, 2003, 11:26 AM Brian,
Everyone was notified via email as of 11:30pm (CST) October 31. Did you not find a notice in your email?
Brian Huey November 1st, 2003, 01:34 PM Got it, it was in my other email account.