View Full Version : problem with LP mode tapes

Yvonne Gensurowsky
October 8th, 2003, 06:17 PM
I have a set of (77) dv tapes shot in the LP mode (not my choice) with a panasonic camera (dv 102) which is unavailable to me. I need to input these tapes into FCP 4.0 on a Mac G4 1.25 dual w/1.5 Gb RAM and have tried 3 different tape decks (2 Panasonic, 1 Sony), 4 different panasonic cameras and have had no luck. Does anyone have any ideas which I have not tried yet?

I am having no problem inputting and working with SP mode dv tapes.


Rob Lohman
October 9th, 2003, 04:35 AM
You've found the reasons why no-one shoots in LP mode (not
saying it is your fault). I think the best thing to do was if possible
at all get the original camera back or if that is a no go try getting
your hands on a DV deck. These things are specialised in
handling tapes from different sources so they might have more
luck getting the signal of the tape. Usually these are available
for rent.

Dan Uneken
October 9th, 2003, 06:35 PM
Have used my XL-1 to capture LP tapes that were shot on another camera, but am not sure what camera that was. It worked fine.