Michael Chen
April 9th, 2002, 08:25 AM
I am trying to decide whether to get the XL1 or the Vx2000.
I've heard that the vx2000 comes with a problem in the sound (hiss sound), is it true?
If so what should i do to double check whether mine has the problem? Most of the dealers in my place does not allow us to test them as they do not have them in stock and i'll have to place an order b4 getting them. Please help. Thanks.
Adrian Douglas
April 9th, 2002, 08:52 AM
Early versions of bith the VX2000 and the PD150 had some pre-amp issue that casued a hiss. Sony has since corrected the problem. As your dealers have to order the camera in, you shouldn't have a problem getting the latest version.
Chuck Eichmeyer
April 9th, 2002, 01:20 PM
Michael......I got my Sony 2000 in Feb. from Armato's. No problem with any hissing sounds in auto or manual settings.
Michael Chen
April 10th, 2002, 04:02 AM
My only concern is that they would sell me an older version instead, so i just want to check out for the serial number if possible.
Moreover, i've read from some other websites that sony did not plan to correct the audio problem in vx2000. Only for pd 150.
Hmm i'm quite confuse over this.
klpwfm50, how's the sound quality of the vx2000? anyone can comment bout it?
And thanks to Adrian Douglas too for answering me.
April 10th, 2002, 07:37 AM
I bought my VX 2000 two years ago - no hiss problem. A bigger worry to you should be the fact that the Canon is vastly inferior when it comes to image control during zooming or any camera movement (pans and tilts included).
Adrian Douglas
April 10th, 2002, 07:44 AM
I guess you're talking about in auto focus mode. The auto focus is a little dodgy, but most people don't use it anyway
April 10th, 2002, 08:04 AM
So Thaaaaaat's the problem! Sorry 'bout that! I wasn't aware that this was an 'Auto-only' problem - I've been looking at a friend's footage (he owns an XL-1 - which I admit is a lovely tool)
However... I must say that there are times - in a pinch when the auto features on the Sony have saved my butt--Especially when shooting documentaries, travel, news or nature footage on the fly.
Adrian Douglas
April 10th, 2002, 08:30 AM
The best way to use the 16x auto lens is leave it in Manual and always set critical focus. if you have to change focus to something else use the Push Auto button.
The funny thing about the sony, it's optics and OIS are actually made by Canon