View Full Version : Would you buy refurbished?
Federico Dib October 6th, 2003, 06:36 PM Thanx to you guys... and this forum and thanx to technology.. I wan´t to restart an old hobby of mine... Still photograhy.
I want to get me a Digital SLR camera.. but can´t afford the cheapest retail price anywhere in the world..
And I don´t want to work with film either... as it was what made me loose the hobby in the first place (waiting time, developing expenses, waiting time, bad labs, waiting time, etc.. )
I do however can afford a refurbished one... nothing extra fancy... probably the REBEL...
I´ve had good experience with refurbished.. althoug it was Sound equipment not digital Cameras..
So I was hoping to hear what you think.. and if you know a good place to get them refurbished, used or very cheap..
either on-line or maybe near Miami.. I´ll get my brother to buy it for me and send it here..
Frank Granovski October 6th, 2003, 06:50 PM I would just buy a new one, or a used one in new-like condition. You can always check out pawn shops for used ones, or the paper.
Ken Tanaka October 6th, 2003, 06:54 PM Getting a refurbished or used camera may be a very savvy move. Hopefully, other members will be able to offer some first-hand experience and suggestions.
I do know that B&H Photo in New York generally offer quite a variety of refurbished and used cameras ( on their site.
In general, I'd suggest buying from a dealer that offers some level of warranty on the camera. Reputable dealers will back the used products that they sell.
Frank Granovski October 6th, 2003, 06:59 PM I recall buying a used rangefinder in minty looking shape, inside and out. However, I had it in the repair shop twice, and it couldn't be fixed. :(
Federico Dib October 6th, 2003, 07:20 PM <<<-- I would just buy a new one, or a used one in new-like condition. You can always check out pawn shops for used ones, or the paper.-->>>
Yeah I´d like a new one too.. but first I´d need to get a work permit.. to then get a steady job... and that is taking forever...
Pawn Shops around here are not very cheap and carry very few items.. compared to a US one... so I post in DVinfo were all these nice people can enlighten my path :-)...
<<<-- Originally posted by Ken Tanaka : Getting a refurbished or used camera may be a very savvy move. Hopefully, other members will be able to offer some first-hand experience and suggestions. -->>>
Mmm... SAVVY? sorry I can´t find that word on my on-line dictionary.. And I´m not quite sure if it means something like RISKY... or worst...
Frank Granovski October 6th, 2003, 07:56 PM Savvy - slang - a verb.
verb, to understand esp shrewdly; nown, shrewd understanding. ---The Random House Dic.
Ken Tanaka October 6th, 2003, 08:08 PM Sorry Federico. Indeed, purchasing a refurbished or used camera could be a clever action to take as long as you are careful.
Federico Dib October 6th, 2003, 08:28 PM Nothing to be sorry about... in this forums not only I learn about DV but I get my good ration of English too.
(I´m not sure if the next should be in a new thread?)
In case that I cannot find any SAVVY deal on a used or refurbished Digital SLR like the DIGITAL REBEL (300 D here in Europe)...
Are there any recomendations of Digital Still cams with fixed lens that would allow me manual control like a good old 35 mm slr? And not have to spend $1000... (half of that more likely)..
Thanx again...
Ken Tanaka October 6th, 2003, 08:47 PM I have an Olympus C2500L ( (perhaps 3 years old) that offers pretty good manual control and a through-the-lens viewfinder. It's a pretty good little camera, very compact but very reliable. Really good super-macro-focus facility. All of the photos for this review ( were taken with this camera.
I don't know what a used model would sell for but it may be worth some research.
Dylan Couper October 6th, 2003, 10:52 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Federico Dib : In case that I cannot find any SAVVY deal on a used or refurbished Digital SLR like the DIGITAL REBEL (300 D here in Europe)...
Are there any recomendations of Digital Still cams with fixed lens that would allow me manual control like a good old 35 mm slr? And not have to spend $1000... (half of that more likely)..
Thanx again... -->>>
The Digital Rebel is still too new to have a real a real used market, and refurbished ones will be rare. Any used D-Rebels you find will likely sell very near to brand new price.
I'd look for a Canon G3. It's still recent, but has recently been replaced by the G5, so G3's should be cheaper now. I used one for a while, it's a fine camera.
Federico Dib October 7th, 2003, 08:08 AM Ok.. so what do you think I should do...
1.- Wait a few months to save and hope to find Digital Rebel at a lower price... and meanwhile use the XM-2 to shoot stills and warm up.
2.- Get me a PowerShot G3 (or similar) used or refurbished, and forget about the Digital Rebel.
I just think that I will outgrow anything with a fixed lens.. the question would be... When? so if it will take me a few years to outgrow a G3.. then I´d go with option 2..
But If in six months.. I´m allready over the G3... then I´d be wasting my money...
Keep In mind, that I´ve never used a good digital before, so I´ve no idea how long it could take me to outgrow anything.
More hints...
-I´m not planning on printing much... and if so.. nothing bigger than a regular 10X15 cm size photo. (that´s CM not inches).
-I´m not going to shoot 200 pics everyday.
-I have no specific "target"... I shoot anything that I like and gets in my way when I have the camera.. nature, building, people, indoor, outdoor, etc...
Thanx again
Dylan Couper October 7th, 2003, 08:43 AM Based on what you say, I think the G3 (or a similar digicam) is what you want. If you need a camera now, buy a camera now. It's considerably smaller than a Digital Rebel, and will be easier to take with you, which is a big plus. Even a few months from now, used D-Rebels may only be $100 cheaper than new ones.
Apart from the G3, there are lots of other good deals on slightly behind cutting edge digital cameras. Check out the Olympus 4040, 5050 etc.. series. If possible, go to an electronics store and check out new models of digicams before you buy, especially for ergonomics.