View Full Version : Home made stabiliser movie for 5D(in french)

Martin Labelle
April 2nd, 2009, 05:02 PM

this is a video I found from a link of Chasseur d'image(a France magazine)
sorry its in french but he explain very good.
I could translate but it will take a few day(2) and if I have enough request.

Stabilisateur pour 5DMKII (steadicam merlin) on Vimeo (

Jon Fairhurst
April 2nd, 2009, 05:42 PM
I could translate but it will take a few day(2) and if I have enough request.A full translation isn't really needed. I'd like to know where to get the gimbal, bearings and bearing holders though. Those are the only critical components. Everything else can be improvised differently.

Thanks for the link!

Chris Barcellos
April 2nd, 2009, 05:59 PM
Very nice link Martin... I will be going home and trying to line up the materials right away. Jon, let us know if you run anything down. I may start at the local Blue Collar, and Harbor Freight.

Martin Labelle
April 2nd, 2009, 06:39 PM
this is a short translation, please ask the real guy on his vimeo page.

at 3:25 ball bearing of skateboard and pieces(the tube) from a chandellier, because the
ball bearing fitted nicely in those tube.

4:07 the PRINCIPAL PIECE: about 12 Euro($15.00 U.S?)in hobby store,
its a Cardan(drive shaft or universal joint?) the gimball? from a RC car.
the brand I can't understand well but look like grupner or something german.

4:32 he started with a Manfrotto ball head but too much friction

he will work more the design so you can find the parts at Home Depot!

6:45 this a part from something that go in your garage or locker, like a hanger(5Euro)
7:19 the drill has to be a 6?

8:00 since the batteri is at right on 5D the camera has a tendancy to move when its centered,that why it had to be moved on the left to keep a balance of weight.

theres a lot of holes in the aluminium part, but only 2 are essential because the other ones are from another project he did.

the weight was inspired from the Merlin, he dont know what the part is because it from recycling.

He cannot show you with the camera 5D on the stabiliser, because the camera is filming
the guy.

Hope this translation will help you,but it would be better coming from an engineer who can translate but not from a video guy!

Jon Fairhurst
April 2nd, 2009, 11:20 PM
That's excellent. Those are all the important details.

I recognized the gimbal as a mini U-joint. I had no idea that they have those in RC cars.

Toenis Liivamaegi
April 3rd, 2009, 02:58 AM
Jon and Chris,
I've found that the easyest one piece gimbals can be made out of IGUS rod end bearings
Theoretically of course.
But in practice they are building "ZAZA sliders" out of IGUS slider parts.


Nigel Barker
April 3rd, 2009, 10:43 AM
4:07 the PRINCIPAL PIECE: about 12 Euro($15.00 U.S?)in hobby store,
its a Cardan(drive shaft or universal joint?) the gimball? from a RC car.
the brand I can't understand well but look like grupner or something german.
Graupner I think.

William Chung
April 17th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Anyone try to make anything like this? Never thought of trying to make a DIY steadicam but it works so well in the video for 60$!!! almost a must try!

J.M. Gueugnot
April 18th, 2009, 04:56 AM
I use this universal joint to design my stabilizer...

Great Hobbies - Product Information (


Jean-Michel GUEUGNOT

William Chung
April 18th, 2009, 09:24 AM
Jean-Micheal Thanks so much! Do you have a list of the other parts you have tried?

Rick Casillas
April 18th, 2009, 09:54 AM
1/8" (3.2mm) to 1/8" Universal Joint RC Boat Accessory - GR3543 Radio Controlled Boat Accessory (

This might be a good fit.
