View Full Version : Urgent help needed :o(
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 11:47 AM Hi Guys,
I need help with CS4, it's doing my head in.
Capturing into CS4 no problem, using Sony DCRVX2100.
Drag the footage onto timeline, NO AUDIO, NO WAVEFORM, just a straight line.
Using the Canon XAH1, the same way, I get audio, what am I doing wrong?
I know CS4 is capturing the audio from the Sony Cam, cause I have tried playing the captured audio in VLC Media Player.
Using the Matrox RTX 2 card, with version 4.01 CS4
Can anyone help me through the settings?
Thanking you
Adam Gold April 2nd, 2009, 12:08 PM You probably need to render the audio first. Hit ENTER.
Double check the audio settings on the cam vs. your project. Last time someone had this problem with audio from the VX2100 in Premiere, that was the issue. Something about 12-bit vs. 16-bit, 44.1kHz vs 48kHz, something like that.
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 12:20 PM Hi Adam,
Thanks for the reply.
Just tried what you said and still have nothing.
I have the audio set at 16bit on cam and the project settings are also set at 16bit.
I think i'm going to throw it out the window.
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 12:23 PM You probably need to render the audio first. Hit ENTER.
Double check the audio settings on the cam vs. your project. Last time someone had this problem with audio from the VX2100 in Premiere, that was the issue. Something about 12-bit vs. 16-bit, 44.1kHz vs 48kHz, something like that.
Adam I have just tried capturing the audio and no video, have a guess what? It captures the audio.
So any ideas why it wont capture video and audio?
Adam Gold April 2nd, 2009, 12:32 PM Puzzling. What happens if you use the Canon as the capture device for the tape you shot on the VX? And Vice Versa? And earlier, just to be sure, the audio is there in the source monitor but not on the timeline?
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 12:37 PM I have done that too and I get the same result, I cant get my head round it.
Can I ask what you use for editing cause I am slowly loosing my patients with Adobe
Adam Gold April 2nd, 2009, 12:49 PM I'm using Premiere CS3 with Cineform's Prospect HD. I have CS4 on the shelf waiting for the new version of Prospect.
Premiere drives me crazy too but for the most part it works for me.
The audio is there in the source monitor but not on the timeline? It drags an audio track down but then plays nothing? Because earlier you said it's capturing with no problem but later you said it wouldn't capture the audio. I'm trying to figure out if this is a capture issue or a playback issue.
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 12:51 PM It doesn't play in the source monitor either :o(
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 01:05 PM It doesn't play in the source monitor either :o(
I can hear audio as it captures.
David Chilson April 2nd, 2009, 02:35 PM Did you check to make sure you have the correct Matrox preset when you created the project and do you get the Matrox splash screen when you open up the project?
Wayne Greensill April 2nd, 2009, 02:44 PM Hi David,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes I used the Matrox Preset & got the splash screen.
I am just trying a re-install see if it makes any difference, I doubt it though.
Peter Ferling April 2nd, 2009, 02:55 PM 1) Capture the audio via another means (Audition or Nero, etc.) and import that.
2) Check the audio hardware settings in preferences. If you have more than one card, there could be a conflict, or you have the wrong one selected.
Battle Vaughan April 2nd, 2009, 03:36 PM Sounds like maybe a codec problem, two suggestions: assuming you are using Premiere capture make sure you have the Sony device preset -- or the generic one -- as your capture pref. I have no experience with Matrox, so am unsure how this affects things, but if the Canon works and the Sony doesn't then Premiere isn't reading the audio codec, I think.
If all else fails, try converting the file to an avi file in Prizm or Xilisoft Video Converter or the like and see if Premiere will recognize it. (I'm assuming PC here, not mac, but Xilisoft is also available for Mac, it's inexpensive shareware).
I have recently had a similar problem with an imported avi file and had to convert it to another flavor of avi for PP CS4 to read the video (I got audio from the original, the opposite of your problem, but the principle is the same) / Battle Vaughan / video team
Ray Bell April 2nd, 2009, 09:36 PM you could try a different program to off load the tape onto your hard drive and then bring the file into Premiere...
Here's one that should work....
Welcome to! - (
Jiri Fiala April 3rd, 2009, 04:06 AM Skip Matrox and see what happens. It has given me all sorts of crap over the years.
Wayne Greensill April 3rd, 2009, 01:22 PM I give up.
I have tried all what you guys have suggested, and I appreciate it.
I still don't get any audio. :o(
Back to basics with Premiere pro2
David Chilson April 3rd, 2009, 01:28 PM Wayne,
Stay away from the Matrox RT.X2 and CS4 for now. It’s not ready for prime time yet, especially if you have been working in CS3 and Blu-Ray. There is no support for accelerated media encoding or Blu-Ray/264 export. Why they are selling it bundled together and touting accelerated media encoding escapes me unless they are single-handedly trying to raise the suicide rate of video editors.
If you really want to waste a couple hours of your life, go to the Matrox web site and forums and gather the information you need to make a successful update/install. From setting up Internet Explorer correctly so you can download additional hours of updates, to the installation order requirements, system configuration requirements and oh by the way you really shouldn’t have installed the WHOLE production premium suite. So now you have to remove everything and you really should install your operating system again because removing everything is quite tricky…..It can make a Mensa member go weak in the knees.
To set the record straight I am very attached to the Matrox workflow. Once you have real time capture and effects and all the other Matrox benefits, working any other way seem inefficient. And running CS4 without the Matrox card will only hasten your retreat back to CS3.
Hopefully in the not too distant future the Matrox updates will give us the features we have currently in CS3. Until then like so many others on here, my CS4 suite will be on the shelf.