View Full Version : How do you want to be remembered?

Pedar Gilley
October 1st, 2003, 08:09 PM
A post about a journalist getting killed in iraq made me think of this. I would like to be remembered for using DV in a way that expands the use of the medium and adds to people lives. I was curious to see how others would like to be remembered for their work in/with DV. Be honest if making 10 million on a porn movie is your thing then thats cool too. I just want to see how well rounded we are.

Frank Granovski
October 1st, 2003, 08:25 PM
I would like to be remembered as a porn star, but I'm a little too old to change my current career. Oh my, look at the time. Only 30 minutes left before 'Enterprise' is on TV. :)

Matt Gettemeier
October 2nd, 2003, 07:54 AM
I always try to leave posts that are informative for those who don't know about something, helpful for those who had a question, reassuring for those in doubt of their equipment or their own abilities, funny to those with an eccentric sense of humor like my own, and most importantly... I want there to always be people who think, "I'm glad I found this post (guy) 'cause it will help me get more out of myself."

I really enjoy helping people... especially "underdogs"... and locally I like boosting the self-image of those who need it...

I like giving something priceless (in the form of flattering video) to people who won't have another chance to see themselves that way since most people are not OCD freaks that spent every dime on equipment and then spent all their time learning how to use it.

I really hope I'm remembered for that... I've had some people thank me with eyes full of tears and times where I handed people my best work and never heard from them again... ?

Philip Boyer
October 2nd, 2003, 09:15 AM
As Woody Allen said: "I don't want to be immortal through my work. I want to be immortal through not dying."

Gary Chavez
October 2nd, 2003, 09:52 AM
I would like to be remembered as the tv news camera guy who treated emotionally tramatized fellow humans with respect and courtesy during thier darkest hours, while still doing my job.

Federico Dib
October 2nd, 2003, 12:31 PM
- "I canīt remember his name.. but I do remember a few of his movies... They were pretty cool... I think he started with an old MiniDv back in the early 2000"...

- "Is he dead?".

- "I think they froze him like Disney".

- "Dude, but that s**t, doesnīt work!"

- "I know.. but those rich guys donīt know how to spend their money"

K. Forman
October 2nd, 2003, 01:17 PM
The way I see it, as long as I'm not found dead in a porn theater, I'll be happy. It isn't always the life you lead that is remembered, sometimes it's the circumstances surrounding your death that are. Watching ' Auto Focus ' , the life of Bob Crane made me realize this. Please- no stories made about me after I'm dead!

Aaron Koolen
October 2nd, 2003, 01:59 PM
I don't think I want to necessarily be remembered, but I'd like to have done something I feel is worthwhile. For me, as far as DV goes, it'd be producing a video or movie that turned someone vegan or vegetarian or made them stop hunting, fishing - or become an animal rights activist - anything that reduces the amount of animal suffering. I went vegetarian about 14 years ago from a documentary I saw on TV. It's a powerful medium and has a lot of influence.


Dylan Couper
October 2nd, 2003, 02:27 PM
I want to be remembered for making "Citizen Kane 2: Rosebud's Revenge"

Jacko Bultinck
October 2nd, 2003, 03:31 PM
to be or not to be(remembered)that's the question.... ;-)

Rob Lohman
October 6th, 2003, 10:12 AM
It'd be an honour if the time comes that I leave DVi (isn't that
the same?) they remember I made (some) movies

John Locke
October 6th, 2003, 05:35 PM
I'd settle for "Hey...wasn't he that guy that made that thing about the place where they were doing that stuff?"