View Full Version : Utility for re-wrapping FS-4 files?

Reed Gidez
April 1st, 2009, 09:10 PM
Does anyone know of a utility to re-wrap .mov files into one quicktime file? I am currently using FCP to export the sequence of files from my FS-4Pro HD but that ties up fcp for a while.

I have clipwrap but that only handles m2t files.



Robert Rogoz
April 11th, 2009, 08:41 AM
clipwrap will re-wrap smaller files into one .mov large quicktime file. I use dr100, which is essentially FS4. These drives are formated in FAT32 format, which splits the files into 4GB chunks. Clipwrap puts them back together.

Reed Gidez
April 11th, 2009, 08:50 AM
I am already using clipwrap for the m2t files (see original post). I was hoping there might be a similar 'wrapper' for taking the .mov clips my FS4 creates and making one file out of them. That way I would not have to tie up FCP for this task.

I shoot a lot of multicam plays/recitals so I end up with +10 clips that need to be combined into one for streamlined multicam editing.
