View Full Version : Using nicknames

Bob Zimmerman
September 26th, 2003, 10:35 AM
I'm thinking about doing a story about something that happened in the 70's, I won't go into details right now. I want to use the people involved nicknames. Would there be any problem in doing that? I have no idea where some of these people are anymore. Do you need permission to use a nickname?

Without a doubt some people will be able to watch the (hopefully) film and say "Hey thats me"!! I'm thinking maybe I could swap a few nicknames around to avoid any problems.

Bob Zimmerman
September 29th, 2003, 01:40 PM
Either I stumped everone or it's a really stupid question!! I got a e-mail from a guy about it. It must be ok then!

Rob Lohman
October 6th, 2003, 04:39 AM
I think this one was answered before in this forum. If I recall
correctly it seems to depend on how close the match is
(subjective issue!). You might be okay I think if someone thinks,
hey, I had a similar experience. If the person knows 100%
you are talking about him and it is something they don't like
you might be in trouble.... Using different names then actual
names is always a good idea. Don't swap the real names
around, make fake ones.

Dylan Couper
October 6th, 2003, 09:04 AM
Bob, I think Rob is right. I also remember a discussion similar to this one sometime earlier this year. Do a serch for nicknames and you might find what you need.