Josh Bass
September 25th, 2003, 08:18 PM
Got a talkbox some time ago, and I seem to be doing something wrong. All my other stompboxes work just fine, and this one seems to have problems. First off, it's never very loud, no matter how much I jack the volume, compared to the volume of everything else. Also, I've gotten terrible feedback the last couple times I've tried it. I've gotten it to work before, but I feel I'm doing something wrong. . .any magic talkbox secrets?
Feel free to delete this if you must, but I tried posting on another musician's forum, and got not one response. I figured what the hey.
Andrew Leigh
September 26th, 2003, 11:38 PM
Hi Josh,
Ahhhh .......... the feel of my Ibanez (old musician series), passed through a couple of pedals into my vintage 1967 VOX AC30 TB ....... The sound of those "hot" humbuckers as they drove the valves into sweet harmonic distortion .............. the dream of being the greatest lead guitarist in the world.....SIGH, DEEPER SIGH,.........DEEPEST SIGH.
A whole lot of questions, I don't need the answers but if you follow them through you may get to the bottom of your problem.
Did you get the pedal brand new?
YES - Was the output volume ever loud? If so then you may well have "popped" the input stage of the pedal.
NO - If the input was never loud then try putting a pedal with lots of gain right in front of it so that you can boost the input volyage from the guitar.
One of the problems I always had was when using many pedals (I always had four connected at any one point in time) is that some pedals have a tendency to attenuate the volume whilst others will provide gain. It took quiet some time to find the correct sequence that would provide the best results. For example to put a compressor in front of an overdrive pedal never worked for me as the dynamic range was reduced by the compressor.
The feedback may be related to the amount that you need to crank the gain on your voice box to make it work.
If you have a voltmeter, preferably one that will hold the peak reading, then measure the "clean signal" output voltage from your guitar. Plug into your talkbox and measure the output voltage from the talkbox before entering the amp. Calculate the percentage drop or gain. This will tell you if your talkbox is attenuating or boosting your signal.
If attenuating then again you may well have popped a amplifier stage within the talkbox.
Is your power supply to the box O.K. I also had a custom Fender Precision Bass which had active electronics. The seller did not inform me and I was unaware of this. Well the bass played OK for the first while, then I discovered on removing the back panel that there was place for a PP3 battery, once intalled WOW what a difference. Is you guitar powered by a battery or phantom power from the Amp?
Before I go further indulge me. I bought the Bass in immaculate condition for a song but unlike many Precision's of the day this one had 4 pickups and active electronics. It was that classic Sunburst colour. After I had ceased to play a friend from who had emmigrated to Australia returned for a visit. He told me that he was now playing bass for his local church but was in the market for a bass. Being my old bossom pal I gave him the Fender. 6 months later he e-mailed me to tell me that he had bought a book in Aus that gave all the Fender Guitar Serial No.s and information about the guitar. The one that I had unwittingly given him was get this ...... a special edition from the Fender Custom Shop, it was one of only a 100 and classed as a Limited Edition. It apparently is a highly sought after collectors item...AARRRHHHHH.
Most times a poor output signal for me was related to poor power supply.
Andrew Leigh
September 26th, 2003, 11:39 PM
Me again,
kinda embarrasing...never noticed the date on the post.
Andrew Leigh
September 26th, 2003, 11:43 PM
You guessed it,
it's getting worse. Once I had finished the first reply to you I posted and I saw a date flash at me. Thought it was the date of the post but it was your joining date. Without checking I apologised in the second reply, and i'm sober.