View Full Version : Newbie: Panasonic MX300 forum ?

florian otel
April 4th, 2002, 01:50 AM
[Hello there, I'm a 110% newbie, I've just signed in]

Hi there,

As a complete newcomer and a proud new owner of a Pana MX300 camcorder I am wondering:
- If it's appropriate to ask newbie (maybe even dumb) DV-related questions in this forum (or will i get flamed, like stake-flamed :) ?)
- If there is anything against discussing extensively about the MX300 camcorder in this forum i.e. if it is considered OT or not (just checking...)
- If ppl in this forums have knowledge of this camcorder. If so, how many of you owners/operators of that camcorder are lurking in here :) ?
- If this site _could_ have a forum dedicated for that camcorder.

Many thanks,


Ken Tanaka
April 4th, 2002, 02:05 AM
Around here the only dumb question is the one not asked. While many of the camera-oriented discussions here tend to involve the XL1, GL1 and VX2000 there are certainly no restrictions on other discussions. I'm sure someone will be able to offer you some help in the "General DV" area. Certainly -nobody- will flame you...guaranteed!

Re: a dedicated area, who knows!


florian otel
April 4th, 2002, 02:11 AM

First of all, thanks for the fast reply and for the welcome.

Wrt to my question, I hope you don't mind if I'll "troll" the forum with a post looking for other MX300 owners.

Thanks for understanding,


Adrian Douglas
April 4th, 2002, 05:10 AM
If you've got questions about anything to do with digital video, cameras(any flavour), sound, script writing, editing, lighting, yada yada yada, you're more than welcome to post it here without fear of getting flamed. You will find that the members of this forum are open minded and willing to offer any help they can.

Panasonic make great products and they can be used just as well as any other brand to do what everyone here loves doing....making videos.

So just bring on the questions.

As for a dedicated MX300 forum, if enough interest is generated in the camera, and you ask Chris really, really nicely, anything is possible.

Fred Garhart
November 24th, 2003, 02:18 AM
How does the MX300 compare with the PV-DV953? Which one is better?

Frank Granovski
November 24th, 2003, 03:36 AM
Fred, I like the PV-DV953 better than the MX300. However, the MX300 has a larger viewfinder, but a smaller LCD. I don't own a PV-DV953.

Florian, there are several of us here who own a MX300 or MX3000. Most regulars here seem to be going with the new GS100.